#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created in July 2019
@author: Thomas Bonald <bonald@enst.fr>
@author: Quentin Lutz <qlutz@enst.fr>
@author: Nathan de Lara <nathan.delara@polytechnique.org>
from math import pi
from typing import Union, Optional, Iterable
import numpy as np
from scipy import sparse
from sknetwork.data.base import Dataset
from sknetwork.data.parse import from_edge_list
from sknetwork.utils.check import check_random_state
from sknetwork.utils.format import directed2undirected
def block_model(sizes: Iterable, p_in: Union[float, list, np.ndarray] = .2, p_out: float = .05,
directed: bool = False, self_loops: bool = False, metadata: bool = False, seed: Optional[int] = None) \
-> Union[sparse.csr_matrix, Dataset]:
"""Stochastic block model.
sizes :
Block sizes.
p_in :
Probability of connection within blocks.
p_out :
Probability of connection across blocks.
directed :
If ``True``, return a directed graph.
self_loops :
If ``True``, allow self-loops.
metadata :
If ``True``, return a `Dataset` object with labels.
seed :
Seed of the random generator (optional).
adjacency or graph : Union[sparse.csr_matrix, Dataset]
Adjacency matrix or graph with metadata (labels).
>>> from sknetwork.data import block_model
>>> sizes = np.array([4, 5])
>>> adjacency = block_model(sizes)
>>> adjacency.shape
(9, 9)
Airoldi, E., Blei, D., Feinberg, S., Xing, E. (2007).
`Mixed membership stochastic blockmodels. <https://arxiv.org/pdf/0705.4485.pdf>`_
Journal of Machine Learning Research.
random_state = check_random_state(seed)
if isinstance(p_in, (np.floating, float, int)):
p_in = p_in * np.ones_like(sizes)
p_in = np.array(p_in)
blocks = []
for i, a in enumerate(sizes):
row = []
for j, b in enumerate(sizes):
if j == i:
row.append(sparse.random(a, a, p_in[i], dtype=bool, random_state=random_state))
row.append(sparse.random(a, b, p_out, dtype=bool, random_state=random_state))
adjacency = sparse.bmat(blocks)
if not self_loops:
adjacency = sparse.lil_matrix(adjacency)
if directed:
adjacency = sparse.csr_matrix(adjacency)
adjacency = directed2undirected(sparse.csr_matrix(sparse.triu(adjacency)), weighted=False)
if metadata:
graph = Dataset()
graph.adjacency = adjacency
labels = np.repeat(np.arange(len(sizes)), sizes)
graph.labels = labels
return graph
return adjacency
def erdos_renyi(n: int = 20, p: float = .3, directed: bool = False, self_loops: bool = False,
seed: Optional[int] = None) -> sparse.csr_matrix:
"""Erdos-Renyi graph.
n :
Number of nodes.
p :
Probability of connection between nodes.
directed :
If ``True``, return a directed graph.
self_loops :
If ``True``, allow self-loops.
seed :
Seed of the random generator (optional).
adjacency : sparse.csr_matrix
Adjacency matrix.
>>> from sknetwork.data import erdos_renyi
>>> adjacency = erdos_renyi(7)
>>> adjacency.shape
(7, 7)
Erdős, P., Rényi, A. (1959). `On Random Graphs. <https://www.renyi.hu/~p_erdos/1959-11.pdf>`_
Publicationes Mathematicae.
return block_model([n], p, 0., directed=directed, self_loops=self_loops, metadata=False, seed=seed)
def linear_digraph(n: int = 3, metadata: bool = False) -> Union[sparse.csr_matrix, Dataset]:
"""Linear graph (directed).
n : int
Number of nodes.
metadata : bool
If ``True``, return a `Dataset` object with metadata.
adjacency or graph : Union[sparse.csr_matrix, Dataset]
Adjacency matrix or graph with metadata (positions).
>>> from sknetwork.data import linear_digraph
>>> adjacency = linear_digraph(5)
>>> adjacency.shape
(5, 5)
row = np.arange(n - 1)
col = np.arange(1, n)
adjacency = sparse.csr_matrix((np.ones(len(row), dtype=int), (row, col)), shape=(n, n))
if metadata:
x = np.arange(n)
y = np.zeros(n)
graph = Dataset()
graph.adjacency = adjacency
graph.position = np.array((x, y)).T
return graph
return adjacency
def linear_graph(n: int = 3, metadata: bool = False) -> Union[sparse.csr_matrix, Dataset]:
"""Linear graph (undirected).
n : int
Number of nodes.
metadata : bool
If ``True``, return a `Dataset` object with metadata.
adjacency or graph : Union[sparse.csr_matrix, Dataset]
Adjacency matrix or graph with metadata (positions).
>>> from sknetwork.data import linear_graph
>>> adjacency = linear_graph(5)
>>> adjacency.shape
(5, 5)
graph = linear_digraph(n, True)
adjacency = graph.adjacency
adjacency = adjacency + adjacency.T
if metadata:
graph.adjacency = adjacency
return graph
return adjacency
def cyclic_position(n: int) -> np.ndarray:
"""Position nodes on a circle of unit radius.
n : int
Number of nodes.
position : np.ndarray
Position of nodes.
t = 2 * pi * np.arange(n).astype(float) / n
x = np.cos(t)
y = np.sin(t)
position = np.array((x, y)).T
return position
def cyclic_digraph(n: int = 3, metadata: bool = False) -> Union[sparse.csr_matrix, Dataset]:
"""Cyclic graph (directed).
n : int
Number of nodes.
metadata : bool
If ``True``, return a `Dataset` object with metadata.
adjacency or graph : Union[sparse.csr_matrix, Dataset]
Adjacency matrix or graph with metadata (positions).
>>> from sknetwork.data import cyclic_digraph
>>> adjacency = cyclic_digraph(5)
>>> adjacency.shape
(5, 5)
row = np.arange(n)
col = np.array(list(np.arange(1, n)) + [0])
adjacency = sparse.csr_matrix((np.ones(len(row), dtype=int), (row, col)), shape=(n, n))
if metadata:
graph = Dataset()
graph.adjacency = adjacency
graph.position = cyclic_position(n)
return graph
return adjacency
def cyclic_graph(n: int = 3, metadata: bool = False) -> Union[sparse.csr_matrix, Dataset]:
"""Cyclic graph (undirected).
n : int
Number of nodes.
metadata : bool
If ``True``, return a `Dataset` object with metadata.
adjacency or graph : Union[sparse.csr_matrix, Dataset]
Adjacency matrix or graph with metadata (positions).
>>> from sknetwork.data import cyclic_graph
>>> adjacency = cyclic_graph(5)
>>> adjacency.shape
(5, 5)
graph = cyclic_digraph(n, True)
graph.adjacency = directed2undirected(graph.adjacency)
if metadata:
return graph
return graph.adjacency
def grid(n1: int = 10, n2: int = 10, metadata: bool = False) -> Union[sparse.csr_matrix, Dataset]:
"""Grid (undirected).
n1, n2 : int
Grid dimension.
metadata : bool
If ``True``, return a `Dataset` object with metadata.
adjacency or graph : Union[sparse.csr_matrix, Dataset]
Adjacency matrix or graph with metadata (positions).
>>> from sknetwork.data import grid
>>> adjacency = grid(10, 5)
>>> adjacency.shape
(50, 50)
nodes = [(i1, i2) for i1 in range(n1) for i2 in range(n2)]
edges = [((i1, i2), (i1 + 1, i2)) for i1 in range(n1 - 1) for i2 in range(n2)]
edges += [((i1, i2), (i1, i2 + 1)) for i1 in range(n1) for i2 in range(n2 - 1)]
node_id = {u: i for i, u in enumerate(nodes)}
edges = list(map(lambda edge: (node_id[edge[0]], node_id[edge[1]]), edges))
adjacency = from_edge_list(edges, reindex=False, matrix_only=True)
if metadata:
graph = Dataset()
graph.adjacency = adjacency
graph.position = np.array(nodes)
return graph
return adjacency
def star(n_branches: int = 3, metadata: bool = False) -> Union[sparse.csr_matrix, Dataset]:
"""Star (undirected).
n_branches : int
Number of branches.
metadata : bool
If ``True``, return a `Dataset` object with metadata (positions).
adjacency or graph : Union[sparse.csr_matrix, Dataset]
Adjacency matrix or graph with metadata (positions).
>>> from sknetwork.data import star
>>> adjacency = star()
>>> adjacency.shape
(4, 4)
edges = [(0, i+1) for i in range(n_branches)]
adjacency = from_edge_list(edges, reindex=False, matrix_only=True)
if metadata:
graph = Dataset()
graph.adjacency = adjacency
angles = 2 * np.pi * np.arange(n_branches) / n_branches
x = [0] + list(np.cos(angles))
y = [0] + list(np.sin(angles))
graph.position = np.vstack([x, y]).T
return graph
return adjacency
def albert_barabasi(n: int = 100, degree: int = 3, directed: bool = False, seed: Optional[int] = None) \
-> sparse.csr_matrix:
"""Albert-Barabasi model.
n : int
Number of nodes.
degree : int
Degree of incoming nodes (less than **n**).
directed : bool
If ``True``, return a directed graph.
seed :
Seed of the random generator (optional).
adjacency : sparse.csr_matrix
Adjacency matrix.
>>> from sknetwork.data import albert_barabasi
>>> adjacency = albert_barabasi(30, 3)
>>> adjacency.shape
(30, 30)
Albert, R., Barabási, L. (2002). `Statistical mechanics of complex networks
Reviews of Modern Physics.
random_state = check_random_state(seed)
degrees = np.zeros(n, int)
degrees[:degree] = degree - 1
edges = [(i, j) for i in range(degree) for j in range(i)]
for i in range(degree, n):
neighbors = random_state.choice(a=i, p=degrees[:i]/degrees.sum(), size=degree, replace=False)
degrees[neighbors] += 1
degrees[i] = degree
edges += [(i, j) for j in neighbors]
return from_edge_list(edges, directed=directed, reindex=False, matrix_only=True)
def watts_strogatz(n: int = 100, degree: int = 6, prob: float = 0.05, seed: Optional[int] = None,
metadata: bool = False) -> Union[sparse.csr_matrix, Dataset]:
"""Watts-Strogatz model.
n :
Number of nodes.
degree :
Initial degree of nodes.
prob :
Probability of edge modification.
seed :
Seed of the random generator (optional).
metadata :
If ``True``, return a `Dataset` object with metadata.
adjacency or graph : Union[sparse.csr_matrix, Dataset]
Adjacency matrix or graph with metadata (positions).
>>> from sknetwork.data import watts_strogatz
>>> adjacency = watts_strogatz(30, 4, 0.02)
>>> adjacency.shape
(30, 30)
Watts, D., Strogatz, S. (1998). Collective dynamics of small-world networks, Nature.
random_state = check_random_state(seed)
edges = np.array([(i, (i + j + 1) % n) for i in range(n) for j in range(degree // 2)])
row, col = edges[:, 0], edges[:, 1]
adjacency = sparse.coo_matrix((np.ones_like(row, int), (row, col)), shape=(n, n))
adjacency = sparse.lil_matrix(adjacency + adjacency.T)
nodes = np.arange(n)
for i in range(n):
neighbors = adjacency.rows[i]
candidates = list(set(nodes) - set(neighbors) - {i})
for j in neighbors:
if random_state.random() < prob:
node = random_state.choice(candidates)
adjacency[i, node] = 1
adjacency[node, i] = 1
adjacency[i, j] = 0
adjacency[j, i] = 0
adjacency = sparse.csr_matrix(adjacency, shape=adjacency.shape)
if metadata:
graph = Dataset()
graph.adjacency = adjacency
graph.position = cyclic_position(n)
return graph
return adjacency