#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created in April 2020
@author: Thomas Bonald <thomas.bonald@telecom-paris.fr>
@author: Quentin Lutz <qlutz@live.fr>
from typing import Optional, Iterable, Union, Tuple
import numpy as np
from scipy import sparse
from sknetwork.clustering.louvain import Louvain
from sknetwork.utils.format import is_symmetric, check_format
from sknetwork.embedding.spring import Spring
from sknetwork.visualization.colors import STANDARD_COLORS, COOLWARM_RGB
def min_max_scaling(x: np.ndarray, x_min: Optional[float] = None, x_max: Optional[float] = None) -> np.ndarray:
"""Shift and scale vector to be between 0 and 1."""
x = x.astype(float)
if x_min is None:
x_min = np.min(x)
if x_max is None:
x_max = np.max(x)
x -= x_min
if x_max > x_min:
x /= (x_max - x_min)
x = .5 * np.ones_like(x)
return x
def rescale(position: np.ndarray, width: float, height: float, margin: float, node_size: float, node_size_max: float,
display_node_weight: bool, names: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, name_position: str = 'right',
font_size: int = 12):
"""Rescale position and adjust parameters.
position :
array to rescale
width :
Horizontal scaling parameter
height :
Vertical scaling parameter
margin :
Minimal margin for the plot
node_size :
Node size (used to adapt the margin)
node_size_max :
Maximum node size (used to adapt the margin)
display_node_weight :
If ``True``, display node weight (used to adapt the margin)
names :
Names of nodes.
name_position :
Position of names (left, right, above, below)
font_size :
Font size
position :
Rescaled positions
width :
Rescaled width
height :
Rescaled height
x = position[:, 0]
y = position[:, 1]
span_x = np.max(x) - np.min(x)
span_y = np.max(y) - np.min(y)
x = min_max_scaling(x)
y = 1 - min_max_scaling(y)
position = np.vstack((x, y)).T
# rescale
if width and not height:
height = width
if span_x and span_y:
height *= span_y / span_x
elif height and not width:
width = height
if span_x and span_y:
width *= span_x / span_y
position = position * np.array([width, height])
# text
if names is not None:
lengths = np.array([len(str(name)) for name in names])
if name_position == 'left':
margin_left = -np.min(position[:, 0] - lengths * font_size)
margin_left = margin_left * (margin_left > 0)
position[:, 0] += margin_left
width += margin_left
elif name_position == 'right':
margin_right = np.max(position[:, 0] + lengths * font_size - width)
margin_right = margin_right * (margin_right > 0)
width += margin_right
margin_left = -np.min(position[:, 0] - lengths * font_size / 2)
margin_left = margin_left * (margin_left > 0)
margin_right = np.max(position[:, 0] + lengths * font_size / 2 - width)
margin_right = margin_right * (margin_right > 0)
position[:, 0] += margin_left
width += margin_left + margin_right
if name_position == 'above':
position[:, 1] += font_size
height += font_size
height += font_size
# margins
margin = max(margin, node_size_max * display_node_weight, node_size)
position += margin
width += 2 * margin
height += 2 * margin
return position, width, height
def get_label_colors(label_colors: Optional[Iterable]):
"""Return label svg colors.
>>> get_label_colors(['black'])
array(['black'], dtype='<U5')
>>> get_label_colors({0: 'blue'})
array(['blue'], dtype='<U64')
if label_colors is not None:
if isinstance(label_colors, dict):
keys = list(label_colors.keys())
values = list(label_colors.values())
label_colors = np.array(['black'] * (max(keys) + 1), dtype='U64')
label_colors[keys] = values
elif isinstance(label_colors, list):
label_colors = np.array(label_colors)
label_colors = STANDARD_COLORS.copy()
return label_colors
def get_node_colors(n: int, labels: Optional[Iterable], scores: Optional[Iterable],
membership: Optional[sparse.csr_matrix],
node_color: str, label_colors: Optional[Iterable],
score_min: Optional[float] = None, score_max: Optional[float] = None) -> np.ndarray:
"""Return the colors of the nodes using either labels or scores or default color."""
node_colors = np.array(n * [node_color]).astype('U64')
if labels is not None:
if isinstance(labels, dict):
keys = np.array(list(labels.keys()))
values = np.array(list(labels.values())).astype(int)
labels = -np.ones(n, dtype=int)
labels[keys] = values
elif isinstance(labels, list):
if len(labels) != n:
raise ValueError("The number of labels must be equal to the corresponding number of nodes.")
labels = np.array(labels)
index = labels >= 0
label_colors = get_label_colors(label_colors)
node_colors[index] = label_colors[labels[index] % len(label_colors)]
elif scores is not None:
colors_score = COOLWARM_RGB.copy()
n_colors = colors_score.shape[0]
colors_score_svg = np.array(['rgb' + str(tuple(colors_score[i])) for i in range(n_colors)])
if isinstance(scores, dict):
keys = np.array(list(scores.keys()))
values = np.array(list(scores.values()))
scores = (min_max_scaling(values, score_min, score_max) * (n_colors - 1)).astype(int)
node_colors[keys] = colors_score_svg[scores]
if isinstance(scores, list):
if len(scores) != n:
raise ValueError("The number of scores must be equal to the corresponding number of nodes.")
scores = np.array(scores)
scores = (min_max_scaling(scores, score_min, score_max) * (n_colors - 1)).astype(int)
node_colors = colors_score_svg[scores]
elif membership is not None:
if isinstance(label_colors, dict):
raise TypeError("Label colors must be a list or an array when using a membership.")
label_colors = get_label_colors(label_colors)
node_colors = label_colors
return node_colors
def get_node_widths(n: int, seeds: Union[int, dict, list], node_width: float, node_width_max: float) -> np.ndarray:
"""Return the node widths."""
node_widths = node_width * np.ones(n)
if seeds is not None:
if type(seeds) == dict:
seeds = list(seeds.keys())
elif np.issubdtype(type(seeds), np.integer):
seeds = [seeds]
if len(seeds):
node_widths[np.array(seeds)] = node_width_max
return node_widths
def get_node_sizes(weights: np.ndarray, node_size: float, node_size_min: float, node_size_max: float, node_weight) \
-> np.ndarray:
"""Return the node sizes."""
if node_weight and np.min(weights) < np.max(weights):
node_sizes = node_size_min + np.abs(node_size_max - node_size_min) * weights / np.max(weights)
node_sizes = node_size * np.ones_like(weights)
return node_sizes
def get_node_sizes_bipartite(weights_row: np.ndarray, weights_col: np.ndarray, node_size: float, node_size_min: float,
node_size_max: float, node_weight) -> (np.ndarray, np.ndarray):
"""Return the node sizes for bipartite graphs."""
weights = np.hstack((weights_row, weights_col))
if node_weight and np.min(weights) < np.max(weights):
node_sizes_row = node_size_min + np.abs(node_size_max - node_size_min) * weights_row / np.max(weights)
node_sizes_col = node_size_min + np.abs(node_size_max - node_size_min) * weights_col / np.max(weights)
node_sizes_row = node_size * np.ones_like(weights_row)
node_sizes_col = node_size * np.ones_like(weights_col)
return node_sizes_row, node_sizes_col
def get_edge_colors(adjacency: sparse.csr_matrix, edge_labels: Optional[list], edge_color: str,
label_colors: Optional[Iterable]) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, list]:
"""Return the edge colors."""
n_row, n_col = adjacency.shape
n_edges = adjacency.nnz
adjacency_labels = (adjacency > 0).astype(int)
adjacency_labels.data = -adjacency_labels.data
edge_colors_residual = []
if edge_labels:
label_colors = get_label_colors(label_colors)
for i, j, label in edge_labels:
if i < 0 or i >= n_row or j < 0 or j >= n_col:
raise ValueError('Invalid node index in edge labels.')
if adjacency[i, j]:
adjacency_labels[i, j] = label % len(label_colors)
color = label_colors[label % len(label_colors)]
edge_colors_residual.append((i, j, color))
edge_order = np.argsort(adjacency_labels.data)
edge_colors = np.array(n_edges * [edge_color]).astype('U64')
index = np.argwhere(adjacency_labels.data >= 0).ravel()
if len(index):
edge_colors[index] = label_colors[adjacency_labels.data[index]]
return edge_colors, edge_order, edge_colors_residual
def get_edge_widths(adjacency: sparse.coo_matrix, edge_width: float, edge_width_min: float, edge_width_max: float,
display_edge_weight: bool) -> np.ndarray:
"""Return the edge widths."""
weights = adjacency.data
edge_widths = None
if len(weights):
if display_edge_weight and np.min(weights) < np.max(weights):
edge_widths = edge_width_min + np.abs(edge_width_max - edge_width_min) * (weights - np.min(weights))\
/ (np.max(weights) - np.min(weights))
edge_widths = edge_width * np.ones_like(weights)
return edge_widths
def svg_node(pos_node: np.ndarray, size: float, color: str, stroke_width: float = 1, stroke_color: str = 'black') \
-> str:
"""Return svg code for a node.
pos_node :
(x, y) coordinates of the node.
size :
Radius of disk in pixels.
color :
Color of the disk in SVG valid format.
stroke_width :
Width of the contour of the disk in pixels, centered around the circle.
stroke_color :
Color of the contour in SVG valid format.
SVG code for the node.
x, y = pos_node.astype(int)
return """<circle cx="{}" cy="{}" r="{}" style="fill:{};stroke:{};stroke-width:{}"/>\n"""\
.format(x, y, size, color, stroke_color, stroke_width)
def svg_pie_chart_node(pos_node: np.ndarray, size: float, probs: np.ndarray, colors: np.ndarray,
stroke_width: float = 1, stroke_color: str = 'black') -> str:
"""Return svg code for a pie-chart node."""
x, y = pos_node.astype(float)
n_colors = len(colors)
out = ""
cumsum = np.zeros(probs.shape[1] + 1)
cumsum[1:] = np.cumsum(probs)
if cumsum[-1] == 0:
return svg_node(pos_node, size, 'white', stroke_width=3)
sum_probs = cumsum[-1]
cumsum = np.multiply(cumsum, (2 * np.pi) / cumsum[-1])
x_array = size * np.cos(cumsum) + x
y_array = size * np.sin(cumsum) + y
large = np.array(probs > sum_probs / 2).ravel()
for index in range(probs.shape[1]):
out += """<path d="M {} {} A {} {} 0 {} 1 {} {} L {} {}" style="fill:{};stroke:{};stroke-width:{}" />\n"""\
.format(x_array[index], y_array[index], size, size, int(large[index]),
x_array[index + 1], y_array[index + 1], x, y, colors[index % n_colors], stroke_color, stroke_width)
return out
def svg_edge(pos_1: np.ndarray, pos_2: np.ndarray, edge_width: float = 1, edge_color: str = 'black') -> str:
"""Return svg code for an edge."""
x1, y1 = pos_1.astype(int)
x2, y2 = pos_2.astype(int)
return """<path stroke-width="{}" stroke="{}" d="M {} {} {} {}"/>\n"""\
.format(edge_width, edge_color, x1, y1, x2, y2)
def svg_edge_directed(pos_1: np.ndarray, pos_2: np.ndarray, edge_width: float = 1, edge_color: str = 'black',
node_size: float = 1.) -> str:
"""Return svg code for a directed edge."""
vec = pos_2 - pos_1
norm = np.linalg.norm(vec)
if norm:
x, y = ((vec / norm) * node_size).astype(int)
x1, y1 = pos_1.astype(int)
x2, y2 = pos_2.astype(int)
return """<path stroke-width="{}" stroke="{}" d="M {} {} {} {}" marker-end="url(#arrow-{})"/>\n"""\
.format(edge_width, edge_color, x1, y1, x2 - x, y2 - y, edge_color)
return ""
def svg_text(pos, text, margin_text, font_size=12, position: str = 'right'):
"""Return svg code for text."""
if position == 'left':
pos[0] -= margin_text
anchor = 'end'
elif position == 'above':
pos[1] -= margin_text
anchor = 'middle'
elif position == 'below':
pos[1] += 2 * margin_text
anchor = 'middle'
pos[0] += margin_text
anchor = 'start'
x, y = pos.astype(int)
text = str(text)
for c in ['&', '<', '>']:
text = text.replace(c, ' ')
return """<text text-anchor="{}" x="{}" y="{}" font-size="{}">{}</text>""".format(anchor, x, y, font_size, text)
def visualize_graph(adjacency: Optional[sparse.csr_matrix] = None, position: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
names: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, labels: Optional[Iterable] = None,
name_position: str = 'right', scores: Optional[Iterable] = None,
probs: Optional[Union[np.ndarray, sparse.csr_matrix]] = None,
seeds: Union[list, dict] = None, width: Optional[float] = 400, height: Optional[float] = 300,
margin: float = 20, margin_text: float = 3, scale: float = 1,
node_order: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, node_size: float = 7, node_size_min: float = 1,
node_size_max: float = 20,
display_node_weight: Optional[bool] = None, node_weights: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
node_width: float = 1, node_width_max: float = 3, node_color: str = 'gray',
display_edges: bool = True, edge_labels: Optional[list] = None,
edge_width: float = 1, edge_width_min: float = 0.5,
edge_width_max: float = 20, display_edge_weight: bool = False,
edge_color: Optional[str] = None, label_colors: Optional[Iterable] = None,
font_size: int = 12, directed: Optional[bool] = None, filename: Optional[str] = None) -> str:
"""Return the image of a graph in SVG format.
adjacency :
Adjacency matrix of the graph.
position :
Positions of the nodes.
names :
Names of the nodes.
labels :
Labels of the nodes (negative values mean no label).
name_position :
Position of the names (left, right, above, below)
scores :
Scores of the nodes (measure of importance).
probs :
Probability distribution over labels.
seeds :
Nodes to be highlighted (if dict, only keys are considered).
width :
Width of the image.
height :
Height of the image.
margin :
Margin of the image.
margin_text :
Margin between node and text.
scale :
Multiplicative factor on the dimensions of the image.
node_order :
Order in which nodes are displayed.
node_size :
Size of nodes.
node_size_min :
Minimum size of a node.
Maximum size of a node.
node_width :
Width of node circle.
node_width_max :
Maximum width of node circle.
node_color :
Default color of nodes (svg color).
display_node_weight :
If ``True``, display node weights through node size.
node_weights :
Node weights.
display_edges :
If ``True``, display edges.
edge_labels :
Labels of the edges, as a list of tuples (source, destination, label)
edge_width :
Width of edges.
edge_width_min :
Minimum width of edges.
edge_width_max :
Maximum width of edges.
display_edge_weight :
If ``True``, display edge weights through edge widths.
edge_color :
Default color of edges (svg color).
Colors of the labels (svg colors).
font_size :
Font size.
directed :
If ``True``, considers the graph as directed.
filename :
Filename for saving image (optional).
image : str
SVG image.
>>> from sknetwork.data import karate_club
>>> graph = karate_club(True)
>>> adjacency = graph.adjacency
>>> position = graph.position
>>> from sknetwork.visualization import visualize_graph
>>> image = visualize_graph(adjacency, position)
>>> image[1:4]
# check adjacency
if adjacency is None:
if position is None:
raise ValueError("You must specify either adjacency or position.")
n = position.shape[0]
adjacency = sparse.csr_matrix((n, n)).astype(int)
n = adjacency.shape[0]
if directed is None:
directed = not is_symmetric(adjacency)
# node order
if node_order is None:
node_order = np.arange(n)
# position
if position is None:
spring = Spring()
position = spring.fit_transform(adjacency)
# node colors
node_colors = get_node_colors(n, labels, scores, probs, node_color, label_colors)
# node sizes
if display_node_weight is None:
display_node_weight = node_weights is not None
if node_weights is None:
node_weights = adjacency.T.dot(np.ones(n))
node_sizes = get_node_sizes(node_weights, node_size, node_size_min, node_size_max, display_node_weight)
# node widths
node_widths = get_node_widths(n, seeds, node_width, node_width_max)
# rescaling
position, width, height = rescale(position, width, height, margin, node_size, node_size_max, display_node_weight,
names, name_position, font_size)
# scaling
position *= scale
height *= scale
width *= scale
svg = """<svg width="{}" height="{}" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">\n""".format(width, height)
# edges
if display_edges:
adjacency_coo = sparse.coo_matrix(adjacency)
if edge_color is None:
if names is None:
edge_color = 'black'
edge_color = 'gray'
edge_colors, edge_order, edge_colors_residual = get_edge_colors(adjacency, edge_labels, edge_color,
edge_widths = get_edge_widths(adjacency_coo, edge_width, edge_width_min, edge_width_max, display_edge_weight)
if directed:
for edge_color in set(edge_colors):
svg += """<defs><marker id="arrow-{}" markerWidth="10" markerHeight="10" refX="9" refY="3"
orient="auto" >\n""".format(edge_color)
svg += """<path d="M0,0 L0,6 L9,3 z" fill="{}"/></marker></defs>\n""".format(edge_color)
for ix in edge_order:
i = adjacency_coo.row[ix]
j = adjacency_coo.col[ix]
color = edge_colors[ix]
if directed:
svg += svg_edge_directed(pos_1=position[i], pos_2=position[j], edge_width=edge_widths[ix],
edge_color=color, node_size=node_sizes[j])
svg += svg_edge(pos_1=position[i], pos_2=position[j],
edge_width=edge_widths[ix], edge_color=color)
for i, j, color in edge_colors_residual:
if directed:
svg += svg_edge_directed(pos_1=position[i], pos_2=position[j], edge_width=edge_width,
edge_color=color, node_size=node_sizes[j])
svg += svg_edge(pos_1=position[i], pos_2=position[j],
edge_width=edge_width, edge_color=color)
# nodes
for i in node_order:
if probs is None:
svg += svg_node(position[i], node_sizes[i], node_colors[i], node_widths[i])
probs = check_format(probs)
if probs[i].nnz == 1:
index = probs[i].indices[0]
svg += svg_node(position[i], node_sizes[i], node_colors[index], node_widths[i])
svg += svg_pie_chart_node(position[i], node_sizes[i], probs[i].todense(),
node_colors, node_widths[i])
# text
if names is not None:
for i in range(n):
svg += svg_text(position[i], names[i], node_sizes[i] + margin_text, font_size, name_position)
svg += """</svg>\n"""
if filename is not None:
with open(filename + '.svg', 'w') as f:
return svg
def visualize_bigraph(biadjacency: sparse.csr_matrix,
names_row: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, names_col: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
labels_row: Optional[Union[dict, np.ndarray]] = None,
labels_col: Optional[Union[dict, np.ndarray]] = None,
scores_row: Optional[Union[dict, np.ndarray]] = None,
scores_col: Optional[Union[dict, np.ndarray]] = None,
probs_row: Optional[Union[np.ndarray, sparse.csr_matrix]] = None,
probs_col: Optional[Union[np.ndarray, sparse.csr_matrix]] = None,
seeds_row: Union[list, dict] = None, seeds_col: Union[list, dict] = None,
position_row: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, position_col: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
reorder: bool = True, width: Optional[float] = 400,
height: Optional[float] = 300, margin: float = 20, margin_text: float = 3, scale: float = 1,
node_size: float = 7, node_size_min: float = 1, node_size_max: float = 20,
display_node_weight: bool = False,
node_weights_row: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, node_weights_col: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
node_width: float = 1, node_width_max: float = 3,
color_row: str = 'gray', color_col: str = 'gray', label_colors: Optional[Iterable] = None,
display_edges: bool = True, edge_labels: Optional[list] = None, edge_width: float = 1,
edge_width_min: float = 0.5, edge_width_max: float = 10, edge_color: str = 'black',
display_edge_weight: bool = True,
font_size: int = 12, filename: Optional[str] = None) -> str:
"""Return the image of a bipartite graph in SVG format.
biadjacency :
Biadjacency matrix of the graph.
names_row :
Names of the rows.
names_col :
Names of the columns.
labels_row :
Labels of the rows (negative values mean no label).
labels_col :
Labels of the columns (negative values mean no label).
scores_row :
Scores of the rows (measure of importance).
scores_col :
Scores of the columns (measure of importance).
probs_row :
Probability distribution over labels for rows.
probs_col :
Probability distribution over labels for columns.
seeds_row :
Rows to be highlighted (if dict, only keys are considered).
seeds_col :
Columns to be highlighted (if dict, only keys are considered).
position_row :
Positions of the rows.
position_col :
Positions of the columns.
reorder :
Use clustering to order nodes.
width :
Width of the image.
height :
Height of the image.
margin :
Margin of the image.
margin_text :
Margin between node and text.
scale :
Multiplicative factor on the dimensions of the image.
node_size :
Size of nodes.
node_size_min :
Minimum size of nodes.
node_size_max :
Maximum size of nodes.
display_node_weight :
If ``True``, display node weights through node size.
node_weights_row :
Weights of rows (used only if **display_node_weight** is ``True``).
node_weights_col :
Weights of columns (used only if **display_node_weight** is ``True``).
node_width :
Width of node circle.
node_width_max :
Maximum width of node circle.
color_row :
Default color of rows (svg color).
color_col :
Default color of cols (svg color).
label_colors :
Colors of the labels (svg color).
display_edges :
If ``True``, display edges.
edge_labels :
Labels of the edges, as a list of tuples (source, destination, label)
edge_width :
Width of edges.
edge_width_min :
Minimum width of edges.
edge_width_max :
Maximum width of edges.
display_edge_weight :
If ``True``, display edge weights through edge widths.
edge_color :
Default color of edges (svg color).
font_size :
Font size.
filename :
Filename for saving image (optional).
image : str
SVG image.
>>> from sknetwork.data import movie_actor
>>> biadjacency = movie_actor()
>>> from sknetwork.visualization import visualize_bigraph
>>> image = visualize_bigraph(biadjacency)
>>> image[1:4]
n_row, n_col = biadjacency.shape
# node positions
if position_row is None or position_col is None:
position_row = np.zeros((n_row, 2))
position_col = np.ones((n_col, 2))
if reorder:
louvain = Louvain()
louvain.fit(biadjacency, force_bipartite=True)
index_row = np.argsort(louvain.labels_row_)
index_col = np.argsort(louvain.labels_col_)
index_row = np.arange(n_row)
index_col = np.arange(n_col)
position_row[index_row, 1] = np.arange(n_row)
position_col[index_col, 1] = np.arange(n_col) + .5 * (n_row - n_col)
position = np.vstack((position_row, position_col))
# node colors
if scores_row is not None and scores_col is not None:
if isinstance(scores_row, dict):
scores_row = np.array(list(scores_row.values()))
if isinstance(scores_col, dict):
scores_col = np.array(list(scores_col.values()))
scores = np.hstack((scores_row, scores_col))
score_min = np.min(scores)
score_max = np.max(scores)
score_min = None
score_max = None
colors_row = get_node_colors(n_row, labels_row, scores_row, probs_row, color_row, label_colors,
score_min, score_max)
colors_col = get_node_colors(n_col, labels_col, scores_col, probs_col, color_col, label_colors,
score_min, score_max)
# node sizes
if node_weights_row is None:
node_weights_row = biadjacency.dot(np.ones(n_col))
if node_weights_col is None:
node_weights_col = biadjacency.T.dot(np.ones(n_row))
node_sizes_row, node_sizes_col = get_node_sizes_bipartite(node_weights_row, node_weights_col,
node_size, node_size_min, node_size_max,
# node widths
node_widths_row = get_node_widths(n_row, seeds_row, node_width, node_width_max)
node_widths_col = get_node_widths(n_col, seeds_col, node_width, node_width_max)
# rescaling
if not width and not height:
raise ValueError("You must specify either the width or the height of the image.")
position, width, height = rescale(position, width, height, margin, node_size, node_size_max, display_node_weight)
# node names
if names_row is not None:
text_length = np.max(np.array([len(str(name)) for name in names_row]))
position[:, 0] += text_length * font_size * .5
width += text_length * font_size * .5
if names_col is not None:
text_length = np.max(np.array([len(str(name)) for name in names_col]))
width += text_length * font_size * .5
# scaling
position *= scale
height *= scale
width *= scale
position_row = position[:n_row]
position_col = position[n_row:]
svg = """<svg width="{}" height="{}" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">\n""".format(width, height)
# edges
if display_edges:
biadjacency_coo = sparse.coo_matrix(biadjacency)
if edge_color is None:
if names_row is None and names_col is None:
edge_color = 'black'
edge_color = 'gray'
edge_colors, edge_order, edge_colors_residual = get_edge_colors(biadjacency, edge_labels, edge_color,
edge_widths = get_edge_widths(biadjacency_coo, edge_width, edge_width_min, edge_width_max, display_edge_weight)
for ix in edge_order:
i = biadjacency_coo.row[ix]
j = biadjacency_coo.col[ix]
color = edge_colors[ix]
svg += svg_edge(pos_1=position_row[i], pos_2=position_col[j], edge_width=edge_widths[ix], edge_color=color)
for i, j, color in edge_colors_residual:
svg += svg_edge(pos_1=position_row[i], pos_2=position_col[j], edge_width=edge_width, edge_color=color)
# nodes
for i in range(n_row):
if probs_row is None:
svg += svg_node(position_row[i], node_sizes_row[i], colors_row[i], node_widths_row[i])
probs_row = check_format(probs_row)
if probs_row[i].nnz == 1:
index = probs_row[i].indices[0]
svg += svg_node(position_row[i], node_sizes_row[i], colors_row[index], node_widths_row[i])
svg += svg_pie_chart_node(position_row[i], node_sizes_row[i], probs_row[i].todense(),
colors_row, node_widths_row[i])
for i in range(n_col):
if probs_col is None:
svg += svg_node(position_col[i], node_sizes_col[i], colors_col[i], node_widths_col[i])
probs_col = check_format(probs_col)
if probs_col[i].nnz == 1:
index = probs_col[i].indices[0]
svg += svg_node(position_col[i], node_sizes_col[i], colors_col[index], node_widths_col[i])
svg += svg_pie_chart_node(position_col[i], node_sizes_col[i], probs_col[i].todense(),
colors_col, node_widths_col[i])
# text
if names_row is not None:
for i in range(n_row):
svg += svg_text(position_row[i], names_row[i], margin_text + node_sizes_row[i], font_size, 'left')
if names_col is not None:
for i in range(n_col):
svg += svg_text(position_col[i], names_col[i], margin_text + node_sizes_col[i], font_size)
svg += """</svg>\n"""
if filename is not None:
with open(filename + '.svg', 'w') as f:
return svg
def svg_graph(adjacency: Optional[sparse.csr_matrix] = None, position: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
names: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, labels: Optional[Iterable] = None, name_position: str = 'right',
scores: Optional[Iterable] = None, probs: Optional[Union[np.ndarray, sparse.csr_matrix]] = None,
seeds: Union[list, dict] = None, width: Optional[float] = 400, height: Optional[float] = 300,
margin: float = 20, margin_text: float = 3, scale: float = 1, node_order: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
node_size: float = 7, node_size_min: float = 1, node_size_max: float = 20,
display_node_weight: Optional[bool] = None, node_weights: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
node_width: float = 1, node_width_max: float = 3, node_color: str = 'gray',
display_edges: bool = True, edge_labels: Optional[list] = None,
edge_width: float = 1, edge_width_min: float = 0.5,
edge_width_max: float = 20, display_edge_weight: bool = True,
edge_color: Optional[str] = None, label_colors: Optional[Iterable] = None,
font_size: int = 12, directed: Optional[bool] = None, filename: Optional[str] = None) -> str:
"""Return the image of a graph in SVG format.
Alias for visualize_graph.
adjacency :
Adjacency matrix of the graph.
position :
Positions of the nodes.
names :
Names of the nodes.
labels :
Labels of the nodes (negative values mean no label).
name_position :
Position of the names (left, right, above, below)
scores :
Scores of the nodes (measure of importance).
probs :
Probability distribution over labels.
seeds :
Nodes to be highlighted (if dict, only keys are considered).
width :
Width of the image.
height :
Height of the image.
margin :
Margin of the image.
margin_text :
Margin between node and text.
scale :
Multiplicative factor on the dimensions of the image.
node_order :
Order in which nodes are displayed.
node_size :
Size of nodes.
node_size_min :
Minimum size of a node.
Maximum size of a node.
node_width :
Width of node circle.
node_width_max :
Maximum width of node circle.
node_color :
Default color of nodes (svg color).
display_node_weight :
If ``True``, display node weights through node size.
node_weights :
Node weights.
display_edges :
If ``True``, display edges.
edge_labels :
Labels of the edges, as a list of tuples (source, destination, label)
edge_width :
Width of edges.
edge_width_min :
Minimum width of edges.
edge_width_max :
Maximum width of edges.
display_edge_weight :
If ``True``, display edge weights through edge widths.
edge_color :
Default color of edges (svg color).
Colors of the labels (svg colors).
font_size :
Font size.
directed :
If ``True``, considers the graph as directed.
filename :
Filename for saving image (optional).
image : str
SVG image.
return visualize_graph(adjacency, position, names, labels, name_position, scores, probs, seeds, width, height,
margin, margin_text, scale, node_order, node_size, node_size_min, node_size_max,
display_node_weight, node_weights, node_width, node_width_max, node_color, display_edges,
edge_labels, edge_width, edge_width_min, edge_width_max, display_edge_weight, edge_color,
label_colors, font_size, directed, filename)
def svg_bigraph(biadjacency: sparse.csr_matrix,
names_row: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, names_col: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
labels_row: Optional[Union[dict, np.ndarray]] = None,
labels_col: Optional[Union[dict, np.ndarray]] = None,
scores_row: Optional[Union[dict, np.ndarray]] = None,
scores_col: Optional[Union[dict, np.ndarray]] = None,
probs_row: Optional[Union[np.ndarray, sparse.csr_matrix]] = None,
probs_col: Optional[Union[np.ndarray, sparse.csr_matrix]] = None,
seeds_row: Union[list, dict] = None, seeds_col: Union[list, dict] = None,
position_row: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, position_col: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
reorder: bool = True, width: Optional[float] = 400,
height: Optional[float] = 300, margin: float = 20, margin_text: float = 3, scale: float = 1,
node_size: float = 7, node_size_min: float = 1, node_size_max: float = 20,
display_node_weight: bool = False,
node_weights_row: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, node_weights_col: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
node_width: float = 1, node_width_max: float = 3,
color_row: str = 'gray', color_col: str = 'gray', label_colors: Optional[Iterable] = None,
display_edges: bool = True, edge_labels: Optional[list] = None, edge_width: float = 1,
edge_width_min: float = 0.5, edge_width_max: float = 10, edge_color: str = 'black',
display_edge_weight: bool = True,
font_size: int = 12, filename: Optional[str] = None) -> str:
"""Return the image of a bipartite graph in SVG format.
Alias for visualize_bigraph.
biadjacency :
Biadjacency matrix of the graph.
names_row :
Names of the rows.
names_col :
Names of the columns.
labels_row :
Labels of the rows (negative values mean no label).
labels_col :
Labels of the columns (negative values mean no label).
scores_row :
Scores of the rows (measure of importance).
scores_col :
Scores of the columns (measure of importance).
probs_row :
Probability distribution over labels for rows.
probs_col :
Probability distribution over labels for columns.
seeds_row :
Rows to be highlighted (if dict, only keys are considered).
seeds_col :
Columns to be highlighted (if dict, only keys are considered).
position_row :
Positions of the rows.
position_col :
Positions of the columns.
reorder :
Use clustering to order nodes.
width :
Width of the image.
height :
Height of the image.
margin :
Margin of the image.
margin_text :
Margin between node and text.
scale :
Multiplicative factor on the dimensions of the image.
node_size :
Size of nodes.
node_size_min :
Minimum size of nodes.
node_size_max :
Maximum size of nodes.
display_node_weight :
If ``True``, display node weights through node size.
node_weights_row :
Weights of rows (used only if **display_node_weight** is ``True``).
node_weights_col :
Weights of columns (used only if **display_node_weight** is ``True``).
node_width :
Width of node circle.
node_width_max :
Maximum width of node circle.
color_row :
Default color of rows (svg color).
color_col :
Default color of cols (svg color).
label_colors :
Colors of the labels (svg color).
display_edges :
If ``True``, display edges.
edge_labels :
Labels of the edges, as a list of tuples (source, destination, label)
edge_width :
Width of edges.
edge_width_min :
Minimum width of edges.
edge_width_max :
Maximum width of edges.
display_edge_weight :
If ``True``, display edge weights through edge widths.
edge_color :
Default color of edges (svg color).
font_size :
Font size.
filename :
Filename for saving image (optional).
image : str
SVG image.
return visualize_bigraph(biadjacency, names_row, names_col, labels_row, labels_col, scores_row, scores_col,
probs_row, probs_col, seeds_row, seeds_col, position_row, position_col, reorder,
width, height, margin, margin_text, scale, node_size, node_size_min, node_size_max,
display_node_weight, node_weights_row, node_weights_col, node_width, node_width_max,
color_row, color_col, label_colors, display_edges, edge_labels, edge_width, edge_width_min,
edge_width_max, edge_color, display_edge_weight, font_size, filename)