Source code for sknetwork.regression.diffusion

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created in July 2019
@author: Nathan de Lara <>
@author: Thomas Bonald <>
from typing import Union, Optional, Tuple

import numpy as np
from scipy import sparse

from sknetwork.linalg.normalizer import normalize
from sknetwork.regression.base import BaseRegressor
from sknetwork.utils import get_adjacency_values, get_degrees

def init_temperatures(seeds: np.ndarray, init: Optional[float]) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
    """Init temperatures."""
    n = len(seeds)
    border = (seeds >= 0)
    if init is None:
        temperatures = seeds[border].mean() * np.ones(n)
        temperatures = init * np.ones(n)
    temperatures[border] = seeds[border]
    return temperatures, border

[docs] class Diffusion(BaseRegressor): """Regression by diffusion along the edges, given the temperatures of some seed nodes (heat equation). The row vector of tempreatures :math:`T` evolves like: :math:`T \\gets (1-\\alpha) T + \\alpha PT` where :math:`\\alpha` is the damping factor and :math:`P` is the transition matrix of the random walk in the graph. All values are updated, including those of seed nodes (free diffusion). See ``Dirichlet`` for diffusion with boundary constraints. Parameters ---------- n_iter : int Number of iterations of the diffusion (must be positive). damping_factor : float Damping factor. Attributes ---------- values_ : np.ndarray Value of each node (= temperature). values_row_: np.ndarray Values of rows, for bipartite graphs. values_col_: np.ndarray Values of columns, for bipartite graphs. Example ------- >>> from import house >>> diffusion = Diffusion(n_iter=1) >>> adjacency = house() >>> values = {0: 1, 2: 0} >>> values_pred = diffusion.fit_predict(adjacency, values) >>> np.round(values_pred, 1) array([0.8, 0.5, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6]) References ---------- Chung, F. (2007). The heat kernel as the pagerank of a graph. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. """ def __init__(self, n_iter: int = 3, damping_factor: float = 0.5): super(Diffusion, self).__init__() if n_iter <= 0: raise ValueError('The number of iterations must be positive.') else: self.n_iter = n_iter self.damping_factor = damping_factor self.bipartite = None
[docs] def fit(self, input_matrix: Union[sparse.csr_matrix, np.ndarray], values: Optional[Union[dict, list, np.ndarray]] = None, values_row: Optional[Union[dict, list, np.ndarray]] = None, values_col: Optional[Union[dict, list, np.ndarray]] = None, init: Optional[float] = None, force_bipartite: bool = False) -> 'Diffusion': """Compute the diffusion (temperatures at equilibrium). Parameters ---------- input_matrix : Adjacency matrix or biadjacency matrix of the graph. values : Temperatures of nodes in initial state (dictionary or vector). Negative temperatures ignored. values_row, values_col : Temperatures of rows and columns for bipartite graphs. Negative temperatures ignored. init : Temperature of nodes in initial state. If ``None``, use the average temperature of seed nodes (default). force_bipartite : If ``True``, consider the input matrix as a biadjacency matrix (default = ``False``). Returns ------- self: :class:`Diffusion` """ adjacency, values, self.bipartite = get_adjacency_values(input_matrix, force_bipartite=force_bipartite, values=values, values_row=values_row, values_col=values_col) values, _ = init_temperatures(values, init) diffusion = normalize(adjacency.T.tocsr()) degrees = get_degrees(diffusion) diag = sparse.diags((degrees == 0).astype(int)).tocsr() diffusion += diag diffusion = (1 - self.damping_factor) * sparse.identity(len(degrees)).tocsr() + self.damping_factor * diffusion for i in range(self.n_iter): values = self.values_ = values if self.bipartite: self._split_vars(input_matrix.shape) return self
[docs] class Dirichlet(BaseRegressor): """Regression by the Dirichlet problem (heat diffusion with boundary constraints). The temperatures of some seed nodes are fixed. The temperatures of other nodes are computed. Parameters ---------- n_iter : int Number of iterations of the diffusion (must be positive). Attributes ---------- values_ : np.ndarray Value of each node (= temperature). values_row_: np.ndarray Values of rows, for bipartite graphs. values_col_: np.ndarray Values of columns, for bipartite graphs. Example ------- >>> from sknetwork.regression import Dirichlet >>> from import house >>> dirichlet = Dirichlet() >>> adjacency = house() >>> values = {0: 1, 2: 0} >>> values_pred = dirichlet.fit_predict(adjacency, values) >>> np.round(values_pred, 2) array([1. , 0.54, 0. , 0.31, 0.62]) References ---------- Chung, F. (2007). The heat kernel as the pagerank of a graph. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. """ def __init__(self, n_iter: int = 10): super(Dirichlet, self).__init__() if n_iter <= 0: raise ValueError('The number of iterations must be positive.') else: self.n_iter = n_iter self.bipartite = None
[docs] def fit(self, input_matrix: Union[sparse.csr_matrix, np.ndarray], values: Optional[Union[dict, list, np.ndarray]] = None, values_row: Optional[Union[dict, list, np.ndarray]] = None, values_col: Optional[Union[dict, list, np.ndarray]] = None, init: Optional[float] = None, force_bipartite: bool = False) -> 'Dirichlet': """Compute the solution to the Dirichlet problem (temperatures at equilibrium). Parameters ---------- input_matrix : Adjacency matrix or biadjacency matrix of the graph. values : Temperatures of nodes (dictionary or vector). Negative temperatures ignored. values_row, values_col : Temperatures of rows and columns for bipartite graphs. Negative temperatures ignored. init : Temperature of nodes in initial state. If ``None``, use the average temperature of seed nodes (default). force_bipartite : If ``True``, consider the input matrix as a biadjacency matrix (default = ``False``). Returns ------- self: :class:`Dirichlet` """ adjacency, values, self.bipartite = get_adjacency_values(input_matrix, force_bipartite=force_bipartite, values=values, values_row=values_row, values_col=values_col) temperatures, border = init_temperatures(values, init) values = temperatures.copy() diffusion = normalize(adjacency) for i in range(self.n_iter): values = values[border] = temperatures[border] self.values_ = values if self.bipartite: self._split_vars(input_matrix.shape) return self