Source code for sknetwork.utils.simplex

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on June 4 2019
@author: Nathan de Lara <>
from typing import Union

import numpy as np
from scipy import sparse

from sknetwork.linalg.normalization import normalize

[docs]def projection_simplex_array(array: np.ndarray, scale: float = 1) -> np.ndarray: """Project each line of the input onto the Euclidean simplex i.e. solve :math:`\\underset{w}{min} ||w - x_i||_2^2` s.t. :math:`\\sum w_j = z, w_j \\ge 0`. Parameters ---------- array: np.ndarray Data to project. Either one or two dimensional. scale: float Scale of the simplex i.e. sums of the projected coefficients. Returns ------- projection : np.ndarray Array with the same shape as the input. Example ------- >>> X = np.array([[2, 2], [-0.75, 0.25]]) >>> projection_simplex_array(X) array([[0.5, 0.5], [0. , 1. ]]) """ if len(array.shape) == 1: array = array.reshape(1, array.shape[0]) n_row, n_col = array.shape sorted_array = -np.sort(-array) cumsum_array = np.cumsum(sorted_array, axis=1) - scale denom = 1 + np.arange(n_col) condition = sorted_array - cumsum_array / denom > 0 max_index = np.argmax(condition / denom[::-1], axis=1) threshold = (cumsum_array / denom)[np.arange(n_row), max_index] return np.maximum(array - threshold[:, np.newaxis], 0)
[docs]def projection_simplex_csr(matrix: sparse.csr_matrix, scale: float = 1): """Project each line of the input onto the Euclidean simplex i.e. solve :math:`\\underset{w}{min} ||w - x_i||_2^2` s.t. :math:`\\sum w_j = z, w_j \\ge 0`. Parameters ---------- matrix : sparse.csr_matrix Matrix whose rows must be projected. scale: float Scale of the simplex i.e. sums of the projected coefficients. Returns ------- projection : sparse.csr_matrix Matrix with the same shape as the input. Examples -------- >>> X = sparse.csr_matrix(np.array([[2, 2], [-0.75, 0.25]])) >>> X_proj = projection_simplex_csr(X) >>> X_proj.nnz 3 >>> X_proj.toarray() array([[0.5, 0.5], [0. , 1. ]]) """ data = if data.dtype == bool or (data.min() == data.max()): return normalize(matrix, p=1) indptr = matrix.indptr new_data = np.zeros_like(data) for i in range(indptr.size-1): j1 = indptr[i] j2 = indptr[i+1] new_data[j1:j2] = projection_simplex_array(data[j1:j2], scale=scale) new_matrix = sparse.csr_matrix((new_data, matrix.indices, indptr), shape=matrix.shape) new_matrix.eliminate_zeros() return new_matrix
[docs]def projection_simplex(x: Union[np.ndarray, sparse.csr_matrix], scale: float = 1.): """Project each line of the input onto the Euclidean simplex i.e. solve :math:`\\underset{w}{min} ||w - x_i||_2^2` s.t. :math:`\\sum w_j = z, w_j \\ge 0`. Parameters ---------- x : Data to project. Either one or two dimensional. Can be sparse or dense. scale : float Scale of the simplex i.e. sums of the projected coefficients. Returns ------- projection : np.ndarray or sparse.csr_matrix Array with the same type and shape as the input. Example ------- >>> X = np.array([[2, 2], [-0.75, 0.25]]) >>> projection_simplex(X) array([[0.5, 0.5], [0. , 1. ]]) >>> X_csr = sparse.csr_matrix(X) >>> X_proj = projection_simplex(X_csr) >>> X_proj.nnz 3 >>> X_proj.toarray() array([[0.5, 0.5], [0. , 1. ]]) References ---------- Duchi, J., Shalev-Shwartz, S., Singer, Y., & Chandra, T. (2008, July). `Efficient projections onto the l 1-ball for learning in high dimensions. <>`_ In Proceedings of the 25th international conference on Machine learning (pp. 272-279). ACM. """ if isinstance(x, np.ndarray): return projection_simplex_array(x, scale) elif isinstance(x, sparse.csr_matrix): return projection_simplex_csr(x, scale) else: raise TypeError('Input must be a numpy array or a CSR matrix.')