Source code for sknetwork.linalg.ppr_solver

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Apr 2020
@author: Nathan de Lara <>
from typing import Union

import numpy as np
from scipy import sparse
from scipy.sparse.linalg import eigs, LinearOperator, bicgstab

from sknetwork.linalg.diteration import diffusion
from sknetwork.linalg.push import push_pagerank
from sknetwork.linalg.normalization import normalize
from sknetwork.linalg.polynome import Polynome

class RandomSurferOperator(LinearOperator):
    """Random surfer as a LinearOperator

    adjacency :
        Adjacency matrix of the graph as a CSR or a LinearOperator.
    damping_factor : float
        Probability to continue the random walk.
    seeds :
        Probability vector for seeds.

    a : sparse.csr_matrix
        Scaled transposed transition matrix.
    b : np.ndarray
        Scaled restart probability vector.

    def __init__(self, adjacency: Union[sparse.csr_matrix, LinearOperator], seeds: np.ndarray, damping_factor):
        super(RandomSurferOperator, self).__init__(shape=adjacency.shape, dtype=float)

        n = adjacency.shape[0]
        out_degrees =

        if hasattr(adjacency, 'left_sparse_dot'):
            self.a = damping_factor * normalize(adjacency).T
            self.a = (damping_factor * normalize(adjacency)).T.tocsr()
        self.b = (np.ones(n) - damping_factor * out_degrees) * seeds

    def _matvec(self, x: np.ndarray):
        return + self.b * x.sum()

[docs]def get_pagerank(adjacency: Union[sparse.csr_matrix, LinearOperator], seeds: np.ndarray, damping_factor: float, n_iter: int, tol: float = 1e-6, solver: str = 'piteration') -> np.ndarray: """Solve the Pagerank problem. Formally, :math:`x = \\alpha Px + (1-\\alpha)y`, where :math:`P = (D^{-1}A)^T` is the transition matrix and :math:`y` is the personalization probability vector. Parameters ---------- adjacency : sparse.csr_matrix Adjacency matrix of the graph. seeds : np.ndarray Personalization array. Must be a valid probability vector. damping_factor : float Probability to continue the random walk. n_iter : int Number of iterations for some of the solvers such as ``'piteration'`` or ``'diteration'``. tol : float Tolerance for the convergence of some solvers such as ``'bicgstab'`` or ``'lanczos'`` or ``'push'``. solver : :obj:`str` Which solver to use: ``'piteration'``, ``'diteration'``, ``'bicgstab'``, ``'lanczos'``, ``̀'RH'``, ``'push'``. Returns ------- pagerank : np.ndarray Probability vector. Examples -------- >>> from import house >>> adjacency = house() >>> seeds = np.array([1, 0, 0, 0, 0]) >>> scores = get_pagerank(adjacency, seeds, damping_factor=0.85, n_iter=10) >>> np.round(scores, 2) array([0.29, 0.24, 0.12, 0.12, 0.24]) References ---------- * Hong, D. (2012). `Optimized on-line computation of pagerank algorithm. <>`_ arXiv preprint arXiv:1202.6158. * Van der Vorst, H. A. (1992). `Bi-CGSTAB: <>`_ A fast and smoothly converging variant of Bi-CG for the solution of nonsymmetric linear systems. SIAM Journal on scientific and Statistical Computing, 13(2), 631-644. * Lanczos, C. (1950). `An iteration method for the solution of the eigenvalue problem of linear differential and integral operators. <>`_ Los Angeles, CA: United States Governm. Press Office. * Whang, J. , Lenharth, A. , Dhillon, I. , & Pingali, K. . (2015). `Scalable Data-Driven PageRank: Algorithms, System Issues, and Lessons Learned`. 9233, 438-450. <> """ n = adjacency.shape[0] if solver == 'diteration': if not isinstance(adjacency, sparse.csr_matrix): raise ValueError('D-iteration is not compatible with linear operators.') adjacency = normalize(adjacency, p=1) indptr = adjacency.indptr.astype(np.int32) indices = adjacency.indices.astype(np.int32) data = damping_factor = np.float32(damping_factor) n_iter = np.int32(n_iter) tol = np.float32(tol) scores = np.zeros(n, dtype=np.float32) fluid = (1 - damping_factor) * seeds.astype(np.float32) diffusion(indptr, indices, data, scores, fluid, damping_factor, n_iter, tol) elif solver == 'push': n = adjacency.shape[0] damping_factor = np.float32(damping_factor) tol = np.float32(tol) degrees = rev_adjacency = adjacency.transpose().tocsr() indptr = adjacency.indptr.astype(np.int32) indices = adjacency.indices.astype(np.int32) rev_indptr = rev_adjacency.indptr.astype(np.int32) rev_indices = rev_adjacency.indices.astype(np.int32) scores = push_pagerank(n, degrees, indptr, indices, rev_indptr, rev_indices, seeds.astype(np.float32), damping_factor, tol) elif solver == 'RH': coeffs = np.ones(n_iter + 1) polynome = Polynome(damping_factor * normalize(adjacency, p=1).T.tocsr(), coeffs) scores = else: rso = RandomSurferOperator(adjacency, seeds, damping_factor) v0 = rso.b if solver == 'bicgstab': scores, info = bicgstab(sparse.eye(n, format='csr') - rso.a, rso.b, atol=tol, x0=v0) elif solver == 'lanczos': # noinspection PyTypeChecker _, scores = sparse.linalg.eigs(rso, k=1, tol=tol, v0=v0) scores = abs(scores.flatten().real) elif solver == 'piteration': scores = v0 for i in range(n_iter): scores_ = scores_ /= scores_.sum() if np.linalg.norm(scores - scores_, ord=1) < tol: break else: scores = scores_ else: raise ValueError('Unknown solver.') return scores / scores.sum()