Source code for sknetwork.linalg.operators

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# coding: utf-8
Created on Apr 2020
@author: Thomas Bonald <>
@author: Nathan de Lara <>
from typing import Union

import numpy as np
from scipy import sparse
from scipy.sparse.linalg import LinearOperator

from sknetwork.linalg import diag_pinv
from sknetwork.linalg.normalization import normalize
from sknetwork.linalg.sparse_lowrank import SparseLR
from sknetwork.utils.check import check_format

[docs]class Regularizer(SparseLR): """Regularized matrix as a Scipy LinearOperator. Defined by :math:`A + \\alpha \\frac{11^T}n` where :math:`A` is the input matrix and :math:`\\alpha` the regularization factor. Parameters ---------- input_matrix : Input matrix. regularization : float Regularization factor. Default value = 1. Examples -------- >>> from import house >>> adjacency = house() >>> regularizer = Regularizer(adjacency) >>> array([3., 4., 3., 3., 4.]) """ def __init__(self, input_matrix: Union[sparse.csr_matrix, np.ndarray], regularization: float = 1): n_row, n_col = input_matrix.shape u = regularization * np.ones(n_row) v = np.ones(n_col) / n_col super(Regularizer, self).__init__(input_matrix, (u, v))
[docs]class Normalizer(LinearOperator): """Normalized matrix as a Scipy LinearOperator. Defined by :math:`D^{-1}A` where :math:`A` is the regularized adjacency matrix and :math:`D` the corresponding diagonal matrix of degrees (sums over rows). Parameters ---------- adjacency : :term:`Adjacency <adjacency>` matrix of the graph. regularization : float Regularization factor. Default value = 0. Examples -------- >>> from import house >>> adjacency = house() >>> normalizer = Normalizer(adjacency) >>> array([1., 1., 1., 1., 1.]) """ def __init__(self, adjacency: Union[sparse.csr_matrix, np.ndarray], regularization: float = 0): if adjacency.ndim == 1: adjacency = adjacency.reshape(1, -1) super(Normalizer, self).__init__(dtype=float, shape=adjacency.shape) n_col = adjacency.shape[1] self.regularization = regularization self.adjacency = adjacency self.norm_diag = diag_pinv( + regularization) def _matvec(self, matrix: np.ndarray): prod = if self.regularization > 0: n_row = self.shape[0] if matrix.ndim == 2: prod += self.regularization * np.outer(np.ones(n_row), matrix.mean(axis=0)) else: prod += self.regularization * matrix.mean() * np.ones(n_row) return def _transpose(self): return self
[docs]class Laplacian(LinearOperator): """Laplacian matrix as a Scipy LinearOperator. Defined by :math:`L = D - A` where :math:`A` is the regularized adjacency matrix and :math:`D` the corresponding diagonal matrix of degrees. If normalized, defined by :math:`L = I - D^{-1/2}AD^{-1/2}`. Parameters ---------- adjacency : :term:`Adjacency <adjacency>` matrix of the graph. regularization : float Regularization factor. Default value = 0. normalized_laplacian : bool If ``True``, use normalized Laplacian. Default value = ``False``. Examples -------- >>> from import house >>> adjacency = house() >>> laplacian = Laplacian(adjacency) >>> array([0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]) """ def __init__(self, adjacency: Union[sparse.csr_matrix, np.ndarray], regularization: float = 0, normalized_laplacian: bool = False): super(Laplacian, self).__init__(dtype=float, shape=adjacency.shape) n = adjacency.shape[0] self.regularization = regularization self.normalized_laplacian = normalized_laplacian self.weights = self.laplacian = sparse.diags(self.weights, format='csr') - adjacency if self.normalized_laplacian: self.norm_diag = diag_pinv(np.sqrt(self.weights + regularization)) def _matvec(self, matrix: np.ndarray): if self.normalized_laplacian: matrix = prod = if self.regularization > 0: n = self.shape[0] if matrix.ndim == 2: prod += self.regularization * (matrix - np.outer(np.ones(n), matrix.mean(axis=0))) else: prod += self.regularization * (matrix - matrix.mean()) if self.normalized_laplacian: prod = return prod def _transpose(self): return self
[docs] def astype(self, dtype: Union[str, np.dtype]): """Change dtype of the object.""" self.dtype = np.dtype(dtype) self.laplacian = self.laplacian.astype(self.dtype) return self
[docs]class CoNeighbor(LinearOperator): """Co-neighborhood adjacency as a LinearOperator. :math:`\\tilde{A} = AF^{-1}A^T`, or :math:`\\tilde{B} = BF^{-1}B^T`. where F is a weight matrix. Parameters ---------- adjacency: Adjacency or biadjacency of the input graph. normalized: If ``True``, F is the diagonal in-degree matrix :math:`F = \\text{diag}(A^T1)`. Otherwise, F is the identity matrix. Examples -------- >>> from import star_wars >>> biadjacency = star_wars(metadata=False) >>> d_out = >>> coneigh = CoNeighbor(biadjacency) >>> np.allclose(d_out, True """ def __init__(self, adjacency: Union[sparse.csr_matrix, np.ndarray], normalized: bool = True): adjacency = check_format(adjacency).astype(float) n = adjacency.shape[0] super(CoNeighbor, self).__init__(dtype=float, shape=(n, n)) if normalized: self.forward = normalize(adjacency.T).tocsr() else: self.forward = adjacency.T self.backward = adjacency def __neg__(self): self.backward *= -1 return self def __mul__(self, other): self.backward *= other return self def _matvec(self, matrix: np.ndarray): return def _transpose(self): """Transposed operator""" operator = CoNeighbor(self.backward) operator.backward = self.forward.T.tocsr() operator.forward = self.backward.T.tocsr() return operator
[docs] def left_sparse_dot(self, matrix: sparse.csr_matrix): """Left dot product with a sparse matrix""" self.backward = return self
[docs] def right_sparse_dot(self, matrix: sparse.csr_matrix): """Right dot product with a sparse matrix""" self.forward = return self
[docs] def astype(self, dtype: Union[str, np.dtype]): """Change dtype of the object.""" self.backward.astype(dtype) self.forward.astype(dtype) self.dtype = dtype return self