Source code for sknetwork.classification.diffusion

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Mar, 2020
@author: Nathan de Lara <>
from typing import Optional

import numpy as np

from sknetwork.classification.base_rank import RankClassifier
from sknetwork.regression.diffusion import Diffusion, Dirichlet
from sknetwork.utils.check import check_labels

def hot_and_cold_seeds(labels_seeds):
    """Make one-vs-all seed labels from seeds.

    labels_seeds :

    seeds_all: list
        Personalization vectors.
    seeds_all = []
    classes, _ = check_labels(labels_seeds)

    for label in classes:
        seeds = -np.ones_like(labels_seeds)
        seeds[labels_seeds == label] = 1
        ix = np.logical_and(labels_seeds != label, labels_seeds >= 0)
        seeds[ix] = 0

    return seeds_all

def process_scores(scores: np.ndarray, centering: bool) -> np.ndarray:
    """Post-processing of the score matrix.

    scores : np.ndarray
        Matrix of scores, shape number of nodes x number of labels.
    centering : bool
        Whether to center temperatures with respect to the mean.
    scores: np.ndarray
    if centering:
        scores -= np.mean(scores, axis=0)
    scores = np.exp(5 * scores)
    return scores

[docs]class DiffusionClassifier(RankClassifier): """Node classification using multiple diffusions. Parameters ---------- n_iter : int Number of steps of the diffusion in discrete time (must be positive). damping_factor : float (optional) Damping factor (default value = 1). centering : bool Whether to center the temperatures with respect to the mean after diffusion (default = True). n_jobs : int If positive, number of parallel jobs allowed (-1 means maximum number). If ``None``, no parallel computations are made. Attributes ---------- labels_ : np.ndarray, shape (n_labels,) Label of each node. membership_ : sparse.csr_matrix, shape (n_row, n_labels) Membership matrix. labels_row_ : np.ndarray Labels of rows, for bipartite graphs. labels_col_ : np.ndarray Labels of columns, for bipartite graphs. membership_row_ : sparse.csr_matrix, shape (n_row, n_labels) Membership matrix of rows, for bipartite graphs. membership_col_ : sparse.csr_matrix, shape (n_col, n_labels) Membership matrix of columns, for bipartite graphs. Example ------- >>> from import karate_club >>> diffusion = DiffusionClassifier() >>> graph = karate_club(metadata=True) >>> adjacency = graph.adjacency >>> labels_true = graph.labels >>> seeds = {0: labels_true[0], 33: labels_true[33]} >>> labels_pred = diffusion.fit_transform(adjacency, seeds) >>> np.round(np.mean(labels_pred == labels_true), 2) 0.94 References ---------- * de Lara, N., & Bonald, T. (2020). `A Consistent Diffusion-Based Algorithm for Semi-Supervised Classification on Graphs. <>` arXiv preprint arXiv:2008.11944. * Zhu, X., Lafferty, J., & Rosenfeld, R. (2005). `Semi-supervised learning with graphs <>` (Doctoral dissertation, Carnegie Mellon University, language technologies institute, school of computer science). """ def __init__(self, n_iter: int = 10, damping_factor: Optional[float] = None, centering: bool = True, n_jobs: Optional[int] = None): algorithm = Diffusion(n_iter, damping_factor) super(DiffusionClassifier, self).__init__(algorithm, n_jobs) self._process_scores = lambda x: process_scores(x, centering)
[docs]class DirichletClassifier(RankClassifier): """Node classification using multiple Dirichlet problems. Parameters ---------- n_iter : int If positive, the solution to the Dirichlet problem is approximated by power iteration for n_iter steps. Otherwise, the solution is computed through BiConjugate Stabilized Gradient descent. damping_factor : float (optional) Damping factor (default value = 1). centering : bool Whether to center the temperatures with respect to the mean after diffusion (default = True). n_jobs : int If an integer value is given, denotes the number of workers to use (-1 means the maximum number will be used). If ``None``, no parallel computations are made. verbose : Verbose mode. Attributes ---------- labels_ : np.ndarray, shape (n_labels,) Label of each node. membership_ : sparse.csr_matrix, shape (n_row, n_labels) Membership matrix. labels_row_ : np.ndarray Labels of rows, for bipartite graphs. labels_col_ : np.ndarray Labels of columns, for bipartite graphs. membership_row_ : sparse.csr_matrix, shape (n_row, n_labels) Membership matrix of rows, for bipartite graphs. membership_col_ : sparse.csr_matrix, shape (n_col, n_labels) Membership matrix of columns, for bipartite graphs. Example ------- >>> from import karate_club >>> dirichlet = DirichletClassifier() >>> graph = karate_club(metadata=True) >>> adjacency = graph.adjacency >>> labels_true = graph.labels >>> seeds = {0: labels_true[0], 33: labels_true[33]} >>> labels_pred = dirichlet.fit_transform(adjacency, seeds) >>> np.round(np.mean(labels_pred == labels_true), 2) 0.97 References ---------- Zhu, X., Lafferty, J., & Rosenfeld, R. (2005). `Semi-supervised learning with graphs <>`_ (Doctoral dissertation, Carnegie Mellon University, language technologies institute, school of computer science). """ def __init__(self, n_iter: int = 10, damping_factor: Optional[float] = None, centering: bool = True, n_jobs: Optional[int] = None, verbose: bool = False): algorithm = Dirichlet(n_iter, damping_factor, verbose) super(DirichletClassifier, self).__init__(algorithm, n_jobs, verbose) self._process_seeds = hot_and_cold_seeds self._process_scores = lambda x: process_scores(x, centering)