
This notebook illustrates the computation of distances between nodes in graphs (in number of hops).

from IPython.display import SVG
import numpy as np
from sknetwork.data import miserables, painters, movie_actor
from sknetwork.path import get_distances
from sknetwork.visualization import visualize_graph, visualize_bigraph
from sknetwork.utils import bipartite2undirected


graph = miserables(metadata=True)
adjacency = graph.adjacency
names = graph.names
position = graph.position
source = np.flatnonzero(names=='Cosette')
distances = get_distances(adjacency, source)
image = visualize_graph(adjacency, position, names, scores=-distances, seeds=[source], scale=1.5)

Directed graphs

graph = painters(metadata=True)
adjacency = graph.adjacency
names = graph.names
position = graph.position
# distances from Paul Cezanne
source = np.flatnonzero(names=='Paul Cezanne')
distances = get_distances(adjacency, source)
# distances of unreachable nodes (for better visualization)
distances[distances < 0] = 5
image = visualize_graph(adjacency, position, names, scores=-distances, seeds=[source])

Bipartite graphs

graph = movie_actor(metadata=True)
biadjacency = graph.biadjacency
names_row = graph.names_row
names_col = graph.names_col
source_row = np.flatnonzero(np.isin(names_row, ['Drive', 'The Grand Budapest Hotel']))
distances_row, distances_col = get_distances(biadjacency, source_row=source_row)
image = visualize_bigraph(biadjacency, names_row, names_col, scores_row=-distances_row, scores_col=-distances_col,
