Source code for sknetwork.ranking.pagerank
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created in May 2019
@author: Nathan de Lara <>
@author: Thomas Bonald <>
from typing import Union, Optional
import numpy as np
from scipy import sparse
from sknetwork.linalg.ppr_solver import get_pagerank
from sknetwork.ranking.base import BaseRanking
from sknetwork.utils.check import check_damping_factor
from sknetwork.utils.format import get_adjacency_values
class PageRank(BaseRanking):
"""PageRank of each node, corresponding to its frequency of visit by a random walk.
The random walk restarts with some fixed probability. The restart distribution can be personalized by the user.
This variant is known as Personalized PageRank.
damping_factor : float
Probability to continue the random walk.
solver : str
* ``'piteration'``, use power iteration for a given number of iterations.
* ``'diteration'``, use asynchronous parallel diffusion for a given number of iterations.
* ``'lanczos'``, use eigensolver with a given tolerance.
* ``'bicgstab'``, use Biconjugate Gradient Stabilized method for a given tolerance.
* ``'RH'``, use a Ruffini-Horner polynomial evaluation.
* ``'push'``, use push-based algorithm for a given tolerance
n_iter : int
Number of iterations for some solvers.
tol : float
Tolerance for the convergence of some solvers.
scores_ : np.ndarray
PageRank score of each node.
scores_row_: np.ndarray
Scores of rows, for bipartite graphs.
scores_col_: np.ndarray
Scores of columns, for bipartite graphs.
>>> from sknetwork.ranking import PageRank
>>> from import house
>>> pagerank = PageRank()
>>> adjacency = house()
>>> weights = {0: 1}
>>> scores = pagerank.fit_predict(adjacency, weights)
>>> np.round(scores, 2)
array([0.29, 0.24, 0.12, 0.12, 0.24])
Page, L., Brin, S., Motwani, R., & Winograd, T. (1999). The PageRank citation ranking: Bringing order to the web.
Stanford InfoLab.
def __init__(self, damping_factor: float = 0.85, solver: str = 'piteration', n_iter: int = 10, tol: float = 1e-6):
super(PageRank, self).__init__()
self.damping_factor = damping_factor
self.solver = solver
self.n_iter = n_iter
self.tol = tol
self.bipartite = None
def fit(self, input_matrix: Union[sparse.csr_matrix, np.ndarray],
weights: Optional[Union[dict, np.ndarray]] = None, weights_row: Optional[Union[dict, np.ndarray]] = None,
weights_col: Optional[Union[dict, np.ndarray]] = None, force_bipartite: bool = False) -> 'PageRank':
"""Compute the pagerank of each node.
input_matrix : sparse.csr_matrix, np.ndarray
Adjacency matrix or biadjacency matrix of the graph.
weights : np.ndarray, dict
Weights of the restart distribution for Personalized PageRank.
If ``None``, the uniform distribution is used (no personalization, default).
weights_row : np.ndarray, dict
Weights on rows of the restart distribution for Personalized PageRank.
Used for bipartite graphs.
If both weights_row and weights_col are ``None`` (default), the uniform distribution on rows is used.
weights_col : np.ndarray, dict
Weights on columns of the restart distribution for Personalized PageRank.
Used for bipartite graphs.
force_bipartite : bool
If ``True``, consider the input matrix as the biadjacency matrix of a bipartite graph.
self: :class:`PageRank`
adjacency, values, self.bipartite = get_adjacency_values(input_matrix, force_bipartite=force_bipartite,
self.scores_ = get_pagerank(adjacency, values, damping_factor=self.damping_factor, n_iter=self.n_iter,
solver=self.solver, tol=self.tol)
if self.bipartite:
return self