#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created in November 2019
@author: Nathan de Lara <nathan.delara@polytechnique.org>
from typing import Union
import numpy as np
from scipy import sparse
from scipy.sparse.linalg import LinearOperator
def diagonal_pseudo_inverse(weights: np.ndarray) -> sparse.csr_matrix:
"""Compute :math:`\\text{diag}(w)^+`, the pseudo-inverse of the diagonal matrix
with diagonal elements given by the weights :math:`w`.
The weights to invert.
diag: sparse.csr_matrix = sparse.diags(weights, format='csr')
diag.data = 1 / diag.data
return diag
def get_norms(matrix: Union[sparse.csr_matrix, np.ndarray, LinearOperator], p=1):
"""Get the norms of rows of a matrix.
matrix : numpy array or sparse CSR matrix or LinearOperator, shape (n_rows, n_cols)
Input matrix.
p :
Order of the norm (1 or 2).
norms : np.array, shape (n_rows,)
Vector norms
n_row, n_col = matrix.shape
if isinstance(matrix, np.ndarray):
input_matrix = sparse.csr_matrix(matrix)
elif isinstance(matrix, sparse.csr_matrix):
input_matrix = matrix.copy()
input_matrix = matrix
if p == 1:
if not isinstance(matrix, LinearOperator):
input_matrix.data = np.abs(input_matrix.data)
return input_matrix.dot(np.ones(n_col))
elif p == 2:
if isinstance(matrix, LinearOperator):
raise ValueError('Only norm 1 is available for linear operators.')
input_matrix.data = input_matrix.data**2
return np.sqrt(input_matrix.dot(np.ones(n_col)))
raise ValueError('Only norms 1 and 2 are available.')
def normalize(matrix: Union[sparse.csr_matrix, np.ndarray, LinearOperator], p=1):
"""Normalize the rows of a matrix so that all have norm 1 (or 0; null rows remain null).
matrix :
Input matrix.
p :
Order of the norm.
normalized matrix :
Normalized matrix (same format as input matrix).
norms = get_norms(matrix, p)
diag = diagonal_pseudo_inverse(norms)
if hasattr(matrix, 'left_sparse_dot') and callable(matrix.left_sparse_dot):
return matrix.left_sparse_dot(diag)
return diag.dot(matrix)