Source code for sknetwork.gnn.layer

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# coding: utf-8
Created in April 2022
@author: Simon Delarue <>
from typing import Optional, Union

import numpy as np
from scipy import sparse

from sknetwork.gnn.activation import BaseActivation
from sknetwork.gnn.loss import BaseLoss
from sknetwork.gnn.base_layer import BaseLayer
from sknetwork.utils.check import add_self_loops
from sknetwork.linalg import diagonal_pseudo_inverse

[docs] class Convolution(BaseLayer): """Graph convolutional layer. Apply the following function to the embedding :math:`X`: :math:`\\sigma(\\bar AXW + b)`, where :math:`\\bar A` is the normalized adjacency matrix (possibly with inserted self-embeddings), :math:`W`, :math:`b` are trainable parameters and :math:`\\sigma` is the activation function. Parameters ---------- layer_type : str Layer type. Can be either ``'Conv'``, convolutional operator as in [1] or ``'Sage'``, as in [2]. out_channels: int Dimension of the output. activation: str (default = ``'Relu'``) or custom activation. Activation function. If a string, can be either ``'Identity'``, ``'Relu'``, ``'Sigmoid'`` or ``'Softmax'``. use_bias: bool (default = `True`) If ``True``, add a bias vector. normalization: str (default = ``'both'``) Normalization of the adjacency matrix for message passing. Can be either `'left'`` (left normalization by the degrees), ``'right'`` (right normalization by the degrees), ``'both'`` (symmetric normalization by the square root of degrees, default) or ``None`` (no normalization). self_embeddings: bool (default = `True`) If ``True``, consider self-embedding in addition to neighbors embedding for each node of the graph. sample_size: int (default = 25) Size of neighborhood sampled for each node. Used only for ``'Sage'`` layer. Attributes ---------- weight: np.ndarray, Trainable weight matrix. bias: np.ndarray Bias vector. embedding: np.ndarray Embedding of the nodes (before activation). output: np.ndarray Output of the layer (after activation). References ---------- [1] Kipf, T., & Welling, M. (2017). `Semi-supervised Classification with Graph Convolutional Networks. <>`_ 5th International Conference on Learning Representations. [2] Hamilton, W. Ying, R., & Leskovec, J. (2017) `Inductive Representation Learning on Large Graphs. <>`_ NIPS """ def __init__(self, layer_type: str, out_channels: int, activation: Optional[Union[BaseActivation, str]] = 'Relu', use_bias: bool = True, normalization: str = 'both', self_embeddings: bool = True, sample_size: int = None, loss: Optional[Union[BaseLoss, str]] = None): super(Convolution, self).__init__(layer_type, out_channels, activation, use_bias, normalization, self_embeddings, sample_size, loss)
[docs] def forward(self, adjacency: Union[sparse.csr_matrix, np.ndarray], features: Union[sparse.csr_matrix, np.ndarray]) -> np.ndarray: """Compute graph convolution. Parameters ---------- adjacency Adjacency matrix of the graph. features : sparse.csr_matrix, np.ndarray Input feature of shape :math:`(n, d)` with :math:`n` the number of nodes in the graph and :math:`d` the size of feature space. Returns ------- output: np.ndarray Output of the layer. """ if not self.weights_initialized: self._initialize_weights(features.shape[1]) n_row, n_col = adjacency.shape weights = if self.normalization == 'left': d_inv = diagonal_pseudo_inverse(weights) adjacency = elif self.normalization == 'right': d_inv = diagonal_pseudo_inverse(weights) adjacency = elif self.normalization == 'both': d_inv = diagonal_pseudo_inverse(np.sqrt(weights)) adjacency = if self.self_embeddings: adjacency = add_self_loops(adjacency) message = embedding = if self.use_bias: embedding += self.bias output = self.activation.output(embedding) self.embedding = embedding self.output = output return output
def get_layer(layer: Union[BaseLayer, str] = 'conv', **kwargs) -> BaseLayer: """Get layer. Parameters ---------- layer : str or custom layer If a string, must be either ``'Conv'`` (Convolution) or ``'Sage'`` (GraphSAGE). Returns ------- Layer object. """ if issubclass(type(layer), BaseLayer): return layer elif type(layer) == str: layer = layer.lower() if 'sage' in layer: kwargs['normalization'] = 'left' kwargs['self_embeddings'] = True return Convolution('sage', **kwargs) elif 'conv' in layer: return Convolution('conv', **kwargs) else: raise ValueError("Layer name must be \"Conv\" or \"Sage\".") else: raise TypeError("Layer must be a string or a \"BaseLayer\" object.")