#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created in April 2022
@author: Simon Delarue <sdelarue@enst.fr>
from typing import Iterable, Optional, Union
from collections import defaultdict
import numpy as np
from scipy import sparse
from sknetwork.classification.metrics import get_accuracy_score
from sknetwork.gnn.base import BaseGNN
from sknetwork.gnn.loss import BaseLoss
from sknetwork.gnn.layer import get_layer
from sknetwork.gnn.neighbor_sampler import UniformNeighborSampler
from sknetwork.gnn.optimizer import BaseOptimizer
from sknetwork.gnn.utils import check_output, check_early_stopping, check_loss, get_layers
from sknetwork.utils.check import check_format, check_nonnegative, check_square
from sknetwork.utils.values import get_values
class GNNClassifier(BaseGNN):
"""Graph Neural Network for node classification.
dims : iterable or int
Dimension of the output of each layer (in forward direction).
If an integer, dimension of the output layer (no hidden layer).
Optional if ``layers`` is specified.
layer_types : iterable or str
Layer types (in forward direction).
If a string, the same type is used at each layer.
Can be ``'Conv'``, graph convolutional layer (default) or ``'Sage'`` (GraphSage).
activations : iterable or str
Activation functions (in forward direction).
If a string, the same activation function is used at each layer.
Can be either ``'Identity'``, ``'Relu'``, ``'Sigmoid'`` or ``'Softmax'`` (default = ``'Relu'``).
use_bias : iterable or bool
Whether to add a bias term at each layer (in forward direction).
If ``True``, use a bias term at each layer.
normalizations : iterable or str
Normalizations of the adjacency matrix for message passing (in forward direction).
If a string, the same type of normalization is used at each layer.
Can be either ``'left'`` (left normalization by the degrees), ``'right'`` (right normalization by the degrees),
``'both'`` (symmetric normalization by the square root of degrees, default) or ``None`` (no normalization).
self_embeddings : iterable or str
Whether to add the embedding to each node for message passing (in forward direction).
If ``True``, add a self-embedding at each layer.
sample_sizes : iterable or int
Sizes of neighborhood sampled for each node (in forward direction).
If an integer, the same sampling size is used at each layer.
Used only for ``'Sage'`` layer type.
loss : str (default = ``'CrossEntropy'``) or BaseLoss
Name of loss function or custom loss function.
layers : iterable or None
Custom layers (in forward directions). If used, previous parameters are ignored.
optimizer : str or optimizer
* ``'Adam'``, stochastic gradient-based optimizer (default).
* ``'GD'``, gradient descent.
learning_rate : float
Learning rate.
early_stopping : bool (default = ``True``)
Whether to use early stopping to end training.
If ``True``, training terminates when validation score is not improving for `patience` number of epochs.
patience : int (default = 10)
Number of iterations with no improvement to wait before stopping fitting.
verbose : bool
Verbose mode.
conv2, ..., conv1: :class:'GCNConv'
Graph convolutional layers.
output_ : np.ndarray
Output of the GNN.
labels_: np.ndarray
Predicted node labels.
history_: dict
Training history per epoch: {``'embedding'``, ``'loss'``, ``'train_accuracy'``, ``'val_accuracy'``}.
>>> from sknetwork.gnn.gnn_classifier import GNNClassifier
>>> from sknetwork.data import karate_club
>>> from numpy.random import randint
>>> graph = karate_club(metadata=True)
>>> adjacency = graph.adjacency
>>> labels_true = graph.labels
>>> labels = {i: labels_true[i] for i in [0, 1, 33]}
>>> features = adjacency.copy()
>>> gnn = GNNClassifier(dims=1, early_stopping=False)
>>> labels_pred = gnn.fit_predict(adjacency, features, labels, random_state=42)
>>> float(round(np.mean(labels_pred == labels_true), 2))
def __init__(self, dims: Optional[Union[int, Iterable]] = None, layer_types: Union[str, Iterable] = 'Conv',
activations: Union[str, Iterable] = 'ReLu', use_bias: Union[bool, list] = True,
normalizations: Union[str, Iterable] = 'both', self_embeddings: Union[bool, Iterable] = True,
sample_sizes: Union[int, list] = 25, loss: Union[BaseLoss, str] = 'CrossEntropy',
layers: Optional[Iterable] = None, optimizer: Union[BaseOptimizer, str] = 'Adam',
learning_rate: float = 0.01, early_stopping: bool = True, patience: int = 10, verbose: bool = False):
super(GNNClassifier, self).__init__(loss, optimizer, learning_rate, verbose)
if layers is not None:
layers = [get_layer(layer) for layer in layers]
layers = get_layers(dims, layer_types, activations, use_bias, normalizations, self_embeddings, sample_sizes,
self.loss = check_loss(layers[-1])
self.layers = layers
self.early_stopping = early_stopping
self.patience = patience
self.history_ = defaultdict(list)
def forward(self, adjacency: Union[list, sparse.csr_matrix], features: Union[sparse.csr_matrix, np.ndarray]) \
-> np.ndarray:
"""Perform a forward pass on the graph and return the output.
adjacency : Union[list, sparse.csr_matrix]
Adjacency matrix or list of sampled adjacency matrices.
features : sparse.csr_matrix, np.ndarray
Features, array of shape (n_nodes, n_features).
output : np.ndarray
Output of the GNN.
h = features.copy()
for i, layer in enumerate(self.layers):
if isinstance(adjacency, list):
h = layer(adjacency[i], h)
h = layer(adjacency, h)
return h
def _compute_predictions(output: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
"""Compute predictions from the output of the GNN.
output : np.ndarray
Output of the GNN.
labels : np.ndarray
Predicted labels.
if output.shape[1] == 1:
labels = (output.ravel() > 0.5).astype(int)
labels = output.argmax(axis=1)
return labels
def fit(self, adjacency: Union[sparse.csr_matrix, np.ndarray], features: Union[sparse.csr_matrix, np.ndarray],
labels: np.ndarray, n_epochs: int = 100, validation: float = 0, reinit: bool = False,
random_state: Optional[int] = None) -> 'GNNClassifier':
""" Fit model to data and store trained parameters.
adjacency : sparse.csr_matrix
Adjacency matrix of the graph.
features : sparse.csr_matrix, np.ndarray
Input feature of shape :math:`(n, d)` with :math:`n` the number of nodes in the graph and :math:`d`
the size of feature space.
labels : dict, np.ndarray
Known labels. Negative values ignored.
n_epochs : int (default = 100)
Number of epochs (iterations over the whole graph).
validation : float
Proportion of the training set used for validation (between 0 and 1).
reinit: bool (default = ``False``)
If ``True``, reinit the trainable parameters of the GNN (weights and biases).
random_state : int
Random seed, used for reproducible results across multiple runs.
if reinit:
for layer in self.layers:
layer.weights_initialized = False
self.history_ = defaultdict(list)
if random_state is not None:
check_format(adjacency, allow_empty=True)
check_format(features, allow_empty=True)
labels = get_values(adjacency.shape, labels)
labels = labels.astype(int)
if (labels < 0).all():
raise ValueError('At least one node must have a non-negative label.')
check_output(self.layers[-1].out_channels, labels)
self.train_mask = labels >= 0
if self.val_mask is None and 0 < validation < 1:
mask = np.random.random(size=len(labels)) < validation
self.val_mask = self.train_mask & mask
self.train_mask &= ~mask
early_stopping = check_early_stopping(self.early_stopping, self.val_mask, self.patience)
# List of sampled adjacencies (one per layer)
adjacencies = self._sample_nodes(adjacency)
best_val_accuracy = 0
count = 0
for epoch in range(n_epochs):
# Forward
output = self.forward(adjacencies, features)
# Compute predictions
labels_pred = self._compute_predictions(output)
# Loss
loss_value = self.loss.loss(output[self.train_mask], labels[self.train_mask])
# Accuracy
train_accuracy = get_accuracy_score(labels[self.train_mask], labels_pred[self.train_mask])
if self.val_mask is not None and any(self.val_mask):
val_accuracy = get_accuracy_score(labels[self.val_mask], labels_pred[self.val_mask])
val_accuracy = None
# Backpropagation
self.backward(features, labels, self.train_mask)
# Update weights using optimizer
# Save results
if val_accuracy is not None:
if n_epochs > 10 and epoch % int(n_epochs / 10) == 0:
if val_accuracy is not None:
f'In epoch {epoch:>3}, loss: {loss_value:.3f}, train accuracy: {train_accuracy:.3f}, '
f'val accuracy: {val_accuracy:.3f}')
f'In epoch {epoch:>3}, loss: {loss_value:.3f}, train accuracy: {train_accuracy:.3f}')
elif n_epochs <= 10:
if val_accuracy is not None:
f'In epoch {epoch:>3}, loss: {loss_value:.3f}, train accuracy: {train_accuracy:.3f}, '
f'val accuracy: {val_accuracy:.3f}')
f'In epoch {epoch:>3}, loss: {loss_value:.3f}, train accuracy: {train_accuracy:.3f}')
# Early stopping
if early_stopping:
if val_accuracy > best_val_accuracy:
count = 0
best_val_accuracy = val_accuracy
count += 1
if count >= self.patience:
self.print_log('Early stopping.')
output = self.forward(adjacencies, features)
labels_pred = self._compute_predictions(output)
self.embedding_ = self.layers[-1].embedding
self.output_ = self.layers[-1].output
self.labels_ = labels_pred
return self
def _sample_nodes(self, adjacency: Union[sparse.csr_matrix, np.ndarray]) -> list:
"""Perform node sampling on adjacency matrix for GraphSAGE layers. For other layers, the
adjacency matrix remains unchanged.
adjacency : sparse.csr_matrix
Adjacency matrix of the graph.
List of (sampled) adjacency matrices.
adjacencies = []
for layer in self.layers:
if layer.layer_type == 'sage':
sampler = UniformNeighborSampler(sample_size=layer.sample_size)
return adjacencies