#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created in November 2019
@author: Quentin Lutz <qlutz@enst.fr>
import pickle
import shutil
import tarfile
from os import environ, makedirs, remove, listdir
from os.path import abspath, commonprefix, exists, expanduser, isfile, join
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Optional, Union
from urllib.error import HTTPError, URLError
from urllib.request import urlretrieve
import numpy as np
from scipy import sparse
from sknetwork.data.parse import from_csv, load_labels, load_header, load_metadata
from sknetwork.data.base import Dataset
from sknetwork.utils.check import is_square
from sknetwork.log import Log
NETSET_URL = 'https://netset.telecom-paris.fr'
def is_within_directory(directory, target):
"""Utility function."""
abs_directory = abspath(directory)
abs_target = abspath(target)
prefix = commonprefix([abs_directory, abs_target])
return prefix == abs_directory
def safe_extract(tar, path=".", members=None, *, numeric_owner=False):
"""Safe extraction."""
for member in tar.getmembers():
member_path = join(path, member.name)
if not is_within_directory(path, member_path):
raise Exception("Attempted path traversal in tar file.")
tar.extractall(path, members, numeric_owner=numeric_owner)
def get_data_home(data_home: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None) -> Path:
"""Return a path to a storage folder depending on the dedicated environment variable and user input.
data_home: str
The folder to be used for dataset storage
if data_home is None:
data_home = environ.get('SCIKIT_NETWORK_DATA', join('~', 'scikit_network_data'))
data_home = expanduser(data_home)
if not exists(data_home):
return Path(data_home)
def clear_data_home(data_home: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None):
"""Clear storage folder.
data_home: str or :class:`pathlib.Path`
The folder to be used for dataset storage.
data_home = get_data_home(data_home)
def clean_data_home(data_home: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None):
"""Clean storage folder so that it contains folders only.
data_home: str or :class:`pathlib.Path`
The folder to be used for dataset storage
data_home = get_data_home(data_home)
for file in listdir(data_home):
if isfile(join(data_home, file)):
remove(join(data_home, file))
def load_netset(name: Optional[str] = None, data_home: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None,
verbose: bool = True) -> Optional[Dataset]:
"""Load a dataset from the `NetSet collection
name : str
Name of the dataset (all low-case). Examples include 'openflights', 'cinema' and 'wikivitals'.
data_home : str or :class:`pathlib.Path`
Folder to be used for dataset storage.
This folder must be empty or contain other folders (datasets); files will be removed.
verbose : bool
Enable verbosity.
dataset : :class:`Dataset`
Returned dataset.
dataset = Dataset()
dataset_folder = NETSET_URL + '/datasets/'
folder_npz = NETSET_URL + '/datasets_npz/'
logger = Log(verbose)
if name is None:
print("Please specify the dataset (e.g., 'wikivitals').\n" +
f"Complete list available here: <{dataset_folder}>.")
return None
name = name.lower()
data_home = get_data_home(data_home)
data_netset = data_home / 'netset'
if not data_netset.exists():
# remove previous dataset if not in the netset folder
direct_path = data_home / name
if direct_path.exists():
data_path = data_netset / name
if not data_path.exists():
name_npz = name + '_npz.tar.gz'
logger.print_log('Downloading', name, 'from NetSet...')
urlretrieve(folder_npz + name_npz, data_netset / name_npz)
except HTTPError:
raise ValueError('Invalid dataset: ' + name + '.'
+ "\nAvailable datasets include 'openflights' and 'wikivitals'."
+ f"\nSee <{NETSET_URL}>")
except ConnectionResetError: # pragma: no cover
raise RuntimeError("Could not reach Netset.")
with tarfile.open(data_netset / name_npz, 'r:gz') as tar_ref:
logger.print_log('Unpacking archive...')
safe_extract(tar_ref, data_path)
files = [file for file in listdir(data_path)]
logger.print_log('Parsing files...')
for file in files:
file_components = file.split('.')
if len(file_components) == 2:
file_name, file_extension = tuple(file_components)
if file_extension == 'npz':
dataset[file_name] = sparse.load_npz(data_path / file)
elif file_extension == 'npy':
dataset[file_name] = np.load(data_path / file, allow_pickle=True)
elif file_extension == 'p':
with open(data_path / file, 'rb') as f:
dataset[file_name] = pickle.load(f)
return dataset
def load_konect(name: str, data_home: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None, auto_numpy_bundle: bool = True,
verbose: bool = True) -> Dataset:
"""Load a dataset from the `Konect database
name : str
Name of the dataset as specified on the Konect website (e.g. for the Zachary Karate club dataset,
the corresponding name is ``'ucidata-zachary'``).
data_home : str or :class:`pathlib.Path`
Folder to be used for dataset storage.
auto_numpy_bundle : bool
Whether the dataset should be stored in its default format (False) or using Numpy files for faster
subsequent access to the dataset (True).
verbose : bool
Enable verbosity.
dataset : :class:`Dataset`
Object with the following attributes:
* `adjacency` or `biadjacency`: the adjacency/biadjacency matrix for the dataset
* `meta`: a dictionary containing the metadata as specified by Konect
* each attribute specified by Konect (ent.* file)
An attribute `meta` of the `Dataset` class is used to store information about the dataset if present. In any case,
`meta` has the attribute `name` which, if not given, is equal to the name of the dataset as passed to this function.
Kunegis, J. (2013, May).
`Konect: the Koblenz network collection.
In Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on World Wide Web (pp. 1343-1350).
logger = Log(verbose)
if name == '':
raise ValueError("Please specify the dataset. "
+ "\nExamples include 'actor-movie' and 'ego-facebook'."
+ "\n See 'http://konect.cc/networks/' for the full list.")
data_home = get_data_home(data_home)
data_konect = data_home / 'konect'
if not data_konect.exists():
# remove previous dataset if not in the konect folder
direct_path = data_home / name
if direct_path.exists():
data_path = data_konect / name
name_tar = name + '.tar.bz2'
if not data_path.exists():
logger.print_log('Downloading', name, 'from Konect...')
urlretrieve('http://konect.cc/files/download.tsv.' + name_tar, data_konect / name_tar)
with tarfile.open(data_konect / name_tar, 'r:bz2') as tar_ref:
logger.print_log('Unpacking archive...')
safe_extract(tar_ref, data_path)
except (HTTPError, tarfile.ReadError):
raise ValueError('Invalid dataset ' + name + '.'
+ "\nExamples include 'actor-movie' and 'ego-facebook'."
+ "\n See 'http://konect.cc/networks/' for the full list.")
except (URLError, ConnectionResetError): # pragma: no cover
raise RuntimeError("Could not reach Konect.")
elif exists(data_path / (name + '_bundle')):
logger.print_log('Loading from local bundle...')
return load_from_numpy_bundle(name + '_bundle', data_path)
dataset = Dataset()
path = data_konect / name / name
if not path.exists() or len(listdir(path)) == 0:
raise Exception("No data downloaded.")
files = [file for file in listdir(path) if name in file]
logger.print_log('Parsing files...')
matrix = [file for file in files if 'out.' in file]
if matrix:
file = matrix[0]
directed, bipartite, weighted = load_header(path / file)
dataset = from_csv(path / file, directed=directed, bipartite=bipartite, weighted=weighted, reindex=True)
metadata = [file for file in files if 'meta.' in file]
if metadata:
file = metadata[0]
dataset.meta = load_metadata(path / file)
attributes = [file for file in files if 'ent.' + name in file]
if attributes:
for file in attributes:
attribute_name = file.split('.')[-1]
dataset[attribute_name] = load_labels(path / file)
if hasattr(dataset, 'meta'):
if hasattr(dataset.meta, 'name'):
dataset.meta.name = name
dataset.meta = Dataset()
dataset.meta.name = name
if auto_numpy_bundle:
save_to_numpy_bundle(dataset, name + '_bundle', data_path)
return dataset
def save_to_numpy_bundle(data: Dataset, bundle_name: str, data_home: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None):
"""Save a dataset in the specified data home to a collection of Numpy and Pickle files for faster subsequent loads.
data: Dataset
Data to save.
bundle_name: str
Name to be used for the bundle folder.
data_home: str or :class:`pathlib.Path`
Folder to be used for dataset storage.
data_home = get_data_home(data_home)
data_path = data_home / bundle_name
makedirs(data_path, exist_ok=True)
for attribute in data:
if type(data[attribute]) == sparse.csr_matrix:
sparse.save_npz(data_path / attribute, data[attribute])
elif type(data[attribute]) == np.ndarray:
np.save(data_path / attribute, data[attribute])
with open(data_path / (attribute + '.p'), 'wb') as file:
pickle.dump(data[attribute], file)
def load_from_numpy_bundle(bundle_name: str, data_home: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None):
"""Load a dataset from a collection of Numpy and Pickle files (inverse function of ``save_to_numpy_bundle``).
bundle_name: str
Name of the bundle folder.
data_home: str or :class:`pathlib.Path`
Folder used for dataset storage.
data: Dataset
data_home = get_data_home(data_home)
data_path = data_home / bundle_name
if not data_path.exists():
raise FileNotFoundError('No bundle at ' + str(data_path))
files = listdir(data_path)
data = Dataset()
for file in files:
if len(file.split('.')) == 2:
file_name, file_extension = file.split('.')
if file_extension == 'npz':
data[file_name] = sparse.load_npz(data_path / file)
elif file_extension == 'npy':
data[file_name] = np.load(data_path / file, allow_pickle=True)
elif file_extension == 'p':
with open(data_path / file, 'rb') as f:
data[file_name] = pickle.load(f)
return data
def save(folder: Union[str, Path], data: Union[sparse.csr_matrix, Dataset]):
"""Save a dataset or a CSR matrix in the current directory to a collection of Numpy and Pickle files for faster
subsequent loads. Supported attribute types include sparse matrices, NumPy arrays, strings and objects Dataset.
folder : str or :class:`pathlib.Path`
Name of the bundle folder.
data : Union[sparse.csr_matrix, Dataset]
Data to save.
>>> from sknetwork.data import save
>>> dataset = Dataset()
>>> dataset.adjacency = sparse.csr_matrix(np.random.random((3, 3)) < 0.5)
>>> dataset.names = np.array(['a', 'b', 'c'])
>>> save('dataset', dataset)
>>> 'dataset' in listdir('.')
folder = Path(folder)
folder = folder.expanduser()
if folder.exists():
if isinstance(data, sparse.csr_matrix):
dataset = Dataset()
if is_square(data):
dataset.adjacency = data
dataset.biadjacency = data
data = dataset
if folder.is_absolute():
save_to_numpy_bundle(data, folder, '/')
save_to_numpy_bundle(data, folder, '.')
def load(folder: Union[str, Path]):
"""Load a dataset from a previously created bundle from the current directory (inverse function of ``save``).
folder: str
Name of the bundle folder.
data: Dataset
>>> from sknetwork.data import save
>>> dataset = Dataset()
>>> dataset.adjacency = sparse.csr_matrix(np.random.random((3, 3)) < 0.5)
>>> dataset.names = np.array(['a', 'b', 'c'])
>>> save('dataset', dataset)
>>> dataset = load('dataset')
>>> print(dataset.names)
['a' 'b' 'c']
folder = Path(folder)
if folder.is_absolute():
return load_from_numpy_bundle(folder, '/')
return load_from_numpy_bundle(folder, '.')