#!/usr/bin/env python3
# coding: utf-8
Created in September 2020
@author: Quentin Lutz <qlutz@enst.fr>
@author: Thomas Bonald <bonald@enst.fr>
from typing import Optional, Union
import numpy as np
from scipy import sparse
from sknetwork.clustering.louvain import Louvain
from sknetwork.embedding.base import BaseEmbedding
from sknetwork.linalg.normalizer import normalize
from sknetwork.utils.check import check_random_state, check_adjacency_vector, check_nonnegative, is_square
from sknetwork.utils.membership import get_membership
def reindex_labels(labels: np.ndarray, labels_secondary: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, which: str = 'remove'):
"""Reindex labels, removing or merging labels of count 1."""
labels_unique, counts = np.unique(labels, return_counts=True)
n_labels = max(labels_unique) + 1
labels_keep = labels_unique[counts > 1]
if which == 'remove':
label_index = -np.ones(n_labels, dtype='int')
label_index[labels_keep] = np.arange(len(labels_keep))
elif which == 'merge':
label_index = len(labels_keep) * np.ones(n_labels, dtype='int')
label_index[labels_keep] = np.arange(len(labels_keep))
label_index = np.arange(n_labels)
labels = label_index[labels]
if labels_secondary is not None:
labels_unique = np.unique(labels_secondary)
n_labels = max(labels_unique) + 1
label_index = -np.ones(n_labels, dtype='int')
label_index[labels_keep] = np.arange(len(labels_keep))
labels_secondary = label_index[labels_secondary]
return labels, labels_secondary
class LouvainEmbedding(BaseEmbedding):
"""Embedding of graphs induced by Louvain clustering. Each component of the embedding corresponds
to a cluster obtained by Louvain.
resolution : float
Resolution parameter.
modularity : str
Which objective function to maximize. Can be ``'Dugue'``, ``'Newman'`` or ``'Potts'``.
tol_optimization :
Minimum increase in the objective function to enter a new optimization pass.
tol_aggregation :
Minimum increase in the objective function to enter a new aggregation pass.
n_aggregations :
Maximum number of aggregations.
A negative value is interpreted as no limit.
shuffle_nodes :
Enables node shuffling before optimization.
random_state :
Random number generator or random seed. If ``None``, numpy.random is used.
isolated_nodes : str
What to do with isolated column nodes. Can be ``'remove'`` (default), ``'merge'`` or ``'keep'``.
embedding_ : array, shape = (n, n_components)
Embedding of the nodes.
embedding_row_ : array, shape = (n_row, n_components)
Embedding of the rows, for bipartite graphs.
embedding_col_ : array, shape = (n_col, n_components)
Embedding of the columns, for bipartite graphs.
labels_row_ : np.ndarray
Labels of the rows (used to build the embedding of the columns).
labels_col_ : np.ndarray
Labels of the columns (used to build the embedding of the rows).
>>> from sknetwork.embedding import LouvainEmbedding
>>> from sknetwork.data import house
>>> louvain = LouvainEmbedding()
>>> adjacency = house()
>>> embedding = louvain.fit_transform(adjacency)
>>> embedding.shape
(5, 2)
def __init__(self, resolution: float = 1, modularity: str = 'Dugue', tol_optimization: float = 1e-3,
tol_aggregation: float = 1e-3, n_aggregations: int = -1, shuffle_nodes: bool = False,
random_state: Optional[Union[np.random.RandomState, int]] = None, isolated_nodes: str = 'remove'):
super(LouvainEmbedding, self).__init__()
self.resolution = resolution
self.modularity = modularity.lower()
self.tol_optimization = tol_optimization
self.tol_aggregation = tol_aggregation
self.n_aggregations = n_aggregations
self.shuffle_nodes = shuffle_nodes
self.random_state = check_random_state(random_state)
self.isolated_nodes = isolated_nodes
self.labels_ = None
self.embedding_ = None
self.embedding_row_ = None
self.embedding_col_ = None
def fit(self, input_matrix: sparse.csr_matrix, force_bipartite: bool = False):
"""Embedding of graphs from the clustering obtained with Louvain.
input_matrix :
Adjacency matrix or biadjacency matrix of the graph.
force_bipartite : bool (default = ``False``)
If ``True``, force the input matrix to be considered as a biadjacency matrix.
self: :class:`BiLouvainEmbedding`
louvain = Louvain(resolution=self.resolution, modularity=self.modularity,
tol_optimization=self.tol_optimization, tol_aggregation=self.tol_aggregation,
n_aggregations=self.n_aggregations, shuffle_nodes=self.shuffle_nodes, sort_clusters=False,
return_probs=True, return_aggregate=True, random_state=self.random_state)
louvain.fit(input_matrix, force_bipartite=force_bipartite)
# isolated nodes
if is_square(input_matrix):
labels = louvain.labels_
labels_secondary = None
labels = louvain.labels_col_
labels_secondary = louvain.labels_row_
self.labels_, labels_row = reindex_labels(labels, labels_secondary, self.isolated_nodes)
# embedding
probs = normalize(input_matrix)
embedding_ = probs.dot(get_membership(self.labels_))
self.embedding_ = embedding_.toarray()
if labels_row is not None:
probs = normalize(input_matrix.T)
embedding_col = probs.dot(get_membership(labels_row))
self.embedding_row_ = self.embedding_
self.embedding_col_ = embedding_col.toarray()
return self